
Hosting a bachelor party.?

by  |  earlier

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i am the best man and cant afford to pay everyone. how do i get the others to chip in. the party is sept 6th.




  1. As a host you should not be expected to pay for everyone. Don't be shy! Inform everyone in advance that you are either looking for a donation or a set amount from each person. best way is just e-mail everyone (just make sure to keep the bachelor off the list!). Those that have an issue contributing should not be attending in the first place.

    If you want to get more advanced, open account at a bank and have everyone send checks and deposit them into an account. that why when your at the bar/club you can use the the debit card from the account. This ensures that all the money collected is used for the bachelor party.

  2. BYOB.  Tell them they have to bring their own booze.

  3. You're NOT SUSPOSED to pay for everyone when you're the best man. Everyone is susposed to pitch in and pay for the groom as well as pay for themselves.

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