
Hot at work??

by  |  earlier

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how hot does it have to be or if im dripping in sweat at work do i say enough is enough?? i work in really hot environment at the beast of times,,up to 15mins in 100% humidity,,its a killer,,should i complain?? thks for any answers.




  1. If you're in the uk your employer has a legal obligation to ensure a minimum working temp of 13C if you do strenuous work and 16C if not. There is no maximum temperature but they must take steps if the temperature is uncomfortably high.

  2. .There are laws to protect you if it gets too hot or cold but it depends on what job you do.For example if you work in a kitchen or next to a furnace then you can't complain if gets too hot and if you work outside then there's n othing that can be done either.

    Here's the health and safety at work act

    But as far as temperature it just says it should be reasonable

  3. Your employer has a duty of care towards you - health & safety are his/her responsibility. There is no set max. temp. unfortunately, but sounds as if you need frequent breaks, drinks, electrolytes to stop you dehydrating. Talk to the employer about it - if nothing is done, go to HSE.

    Or mebbe another job?

  4. Definitely complain - you have rights.

  5. Yea the air-con is broken in our place as well; the complaints are flooding in and they do sweet FA about it
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