
Hot house??

by  |  earlier

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the earth is heating up and the ice caps are melting. ice is white and reflects light while darker colors absorb light and get hot. so how many houses around the world have a dark roof on them, better yet how many in America (almost all of them)? all of those roofs equal extra heat that our planet never had before. so why not make all of those roofs white?




  1. I think you could probably work that up into a business plan and make a lot of money.

    You could set up a company and advertise to sell icecap replacement credits, in turn you set up a company painting roofs white.

    Sell the credits to the gullible ones and then hire your painting company to paint the roofs of environmentally concious homeowners for a marginal fee for the good of the atmosphere.

    Then your icecap credit company can pay an enormous sum to your painting company for the work it was already getting paid to do.

    At the same time advertising how your company was saving the world by replacing ice cap reflection.

    On second thought, scrap that, that plan may already be on file.

    Didn't Al Gore do something similar already???

  2. The ice caps are melting on Mars, too.  I'm very concerned about Martian carbon emmissions.

  3. even if we make all of our roofs white, carbon dioxide emissions and other global warming agents will still take its toll on us one way or another.

  4. yeah alex is right ...its terrible and we just wanna take action
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