
Hot or Cold Shower in the morning?

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What water temperature is more stimulating to wake me up in the morning when taking a shower?




  1. what i like to do is take a hot shower and then at the end of the shower, turn the hot faucet down so it get cooler, its very relaxing and feels nice. try it :)

  2. I have a cold shower to wake me up in the morning.

    However, this is only really suitable when you've had a warm shower the night before because cold water is not very effective at maintaining hygiene.  

  3. i always finds that a cold shower wakes me up in the morning

  4. what ever is opposite you feel

    if you get out of bed and you are cold - take a hot shower

    if you are hot when you get out of bed / or just worked out - take a cold shower

    or you could be like me and take cold showers all the time to save energy! hehe

  5. If u want to wake yourself up a Cold one will do the trick..

    If u really want to cleanse yourself well, take a Hot Shower

    I do both, I start off with hot, so it's nice and pleasant (the last thing I want is to be frozen in the mornings) and then I gradually turn the temperature down until it's pretty cold to finish off with

    Because the hot water opens up your pores and cleanses them and the Cold water makes them close :)

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