
Hot water keeps running into washer'?

by Guest31770  |  earlier

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My wahser starts washing but hot water will not turn off so I have to turn the hot water valve off to the washer does not overflow any ideals?




  1. Most common cause is the hot inlet valve.  If a tech would remove the power wires from the valve and water continued to flow, that would verify the valve is stuck open.  If there was voltage during a wash cycle, that would point to the timer.

  2. sounds like the solenoid valve on the washing machine is bad .  you could replace it with some basic tools if you wanted too. the link below might help

  3. Texas your hot water solenoid valve has gone bad or something is stuck holding it open.  It is not expensive to replace, and easy job. You may be able to remove hot water hose and using flash light see something holding it open.  Be sure to unplug and turn off hot water.

  4. my guess would be that the valve that controls the hot water is either corroded or there may be a gasket on the inside of the valve that needs to be best guess would be the rubber gasket in the valve that is controlled by the the timer on the machine.

  5. SSGP is right. The water control valve has an electrical diaphragm inside that opens and closes the valve. When electricity is passed into the valve (cold, hot, or both for warm) from the timer, the valve opens to let the water in. If the valve has a problem, it may not close properly. This can be caused by corrosion or hard water mineral build up. They are relatively cheap to replace (around $40) and installation is also pretty easy with a screwdriver and a pair of pliers. If you had a serviceman do it, you would be looking at around $80-$100 ish.

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