
Hotel/Motel Toilets?

by Guest65107  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike husband and I got to talking the other day about what happens when you "conquer" the toilet, so to speak, at a hotel/motel. We wondered why most bathrooms do not come equipped with a plunger to unclog. Aside from assuming the water pressure and plumbing can handle it, what's a lodging guest to do? I would hate to ask housekeeping or the front desk for the tool, so what suggestions might you have for being prepared or fixing the situation? Any travel plungers out there?




  1. Never go in the room, you never know if it will clog, or perhaps make your eyes water =x. Hotel bathrooms on the main floor are usually available or some where else in the hotel there is a public bathroom. You never know when that knocking at the back door can hit, so jump on the elevator right away ;D.

  2. Call the front desk and politely tell them that your toilet is clogged.  I'm sure it has happened many times and will happen many more times.

  3. i would just ask the front desk.

    tell them that your toliet is clogged cuase you had 1 to many bean borritos! i mean, yeah its gonna be embarrasing, but they most likely dont know you anyway!
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