
Hotel steward description?

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Hotel steward description?




  1. ¿¿¿¿¿??????

  2. here is the information that you need about hotel stewards information

    Steward/Stewardess Responsibilities

    The Steward(ess) on a yacht is like the hostess, housekeeper, waitress and bartender rolled into one. Larger yachts have a "Head Steward/Stewardess", who acts in a supervisory capacity for the one to three junior stewards. The Head Stew is expected to take care of financial record keeping, performance evaluation, work scheduling, provisioning and inventory. Head Stews earn quite respectable incomes, and this is a position to consider as you progress up the ladder of responsibility within the yachting industry. He/she answers directly to the Captain.

    1. The stew is responsible for keeping the yacht's interior clean and tidy at all times. There is a special art involved here, since the space is limited, and the cleaning chores must be carried out in the most unobtrusive way possible. For example, beds are made and heads (Marine Bathrooms) are usually cleaned while the guests are having breakfast. (*note: always start the toilet paper roll for them and fold the end into a neat point. It lets them know you were there, and it looks very professional!) The vacuuming of the carpets is often done while the guests are ashore.

    2. He/she is responsible for turning down the guests' beds at night. Once again, the prime opportunity to accomplish this is during dinner.

    3. The stew serves all meals. Some meals are quite formal, and require formal table settings with china, silver and crystal. Silver service training is a plus.

    4. When laying a formal table, the stew should know how to fold linen napkins in a variety of styles to complement the meal.

    5. The stew should be creative and liaise with the chef when there is a "theme" meal planned, in order to present the most interesting setting possible. The objective is to ensure that the guests have a pleasant and memorable stay onboard.

    6. However impractical, yachts generally keep fresh flower arrangements on board. Therefore, the stew should know some basic flower arranging.

    7. The stewards are responsible for all laundry. Many yachts have a washer and dryer, but when there is a lot of washing to be done, like when the bed linens have all been changed, the stew is responsible for getting the laundry to an outside service, and insuring that everything comes back from the laundry. This means that whenever the laundry leaves the boat, a detailed list must be made, and everything on the list must checked when it returns.

    8. As part of the laundry responsibilities, the steward/stewardess is expected to iron the table linens and often the bed linens as well. Besides making everything look nice, this practice helps avoid the natural tendency to mold that exists on boats of all sizes. Guests will often have clothing that requires ironing as well.

    9. The stew must also help the chef with meal prep and dishwashing.

    Steward/Stewardess Qualifications

    § STCW - 95 Basic Safety Training. Any additional lifesaving training or nursing experience is very helpful.

    § Valid Driver's license. If possible, an international driving license is best.

    § Though some training establishments are springing up offering job specific training for Stewards, this training is NOT strictly necessary. It can't hurt, but previous experience in another service industry like hotel, restaurant, or catering can be even more useful if you can provide written references.

    § A clean, fresh appearance and a cheerful disposition are absolutely essential in this position. Thomas S. Wissmann at the International Yacht Sales Group wrote this regarding crew placement through their offices:

  3. nada

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