
Hotels in trinidad and tobago?

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I am going to the island of tobago

where can i stay there?

I hear that it's better to stay in a guest house than a hotel because its more comforting, but i don't know where the guest houses are?

any good cheap hotels there?

I am flying from new york jfk

what is it like there?

are the people nice?

how much money should i take with me?

I can take to about 500-maybe 800 max

what are some very nice things to do there?

please please please help me! :/




  1. You can stay at Spence Terrace, its close to Piegon Point and StoreBay. You can tour the island in one day. Go snorkelling and to the Nylon Pool. Castara is very beautiful too.

  2. Search here for cheap hotels

    It provides search option like near a landmark etc

    But beware ... cheap hotels can be trouble some times so check reviews of the hotel you are going to book.

    Check the exact location of hotel from google maps.

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