
Hotter best friend! help!?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I'm 13 and my best friend is kinda different than me in alot of ways but were bestest buds anyway but shes the hotter one and all the guys we hang out with like love her and want to hang out with her! She's skinnier than me and has a higher confidence and is more graceful and better hair etc, etc! She gets asked out like 5 times a week and i've been asked out once in my entire life! I'm not mad at her but sometimes it really upsets me! Like today we were hanging out with somebody we've never hung out with before and almost the entire time I was dealing with her on again off again boyfriend, at the moment off but she was hanging out with him and now hes like yeah shes hot i want to hang out with her again, it kinda bugs me!

how to cope?

I don't want to sound whiny but after a while I start to feel below her




  1. hey. even if you tell her, she can't do anything about it. telling her to tone it down would make you seem restraining. thing is, you shouldn't let it bug you. what's wrong about not being asked out? it's only the society around you that conditions your mind to think that it's wrong wrong wrong, or that you're ugly or whatever to not be asked out lotsa times. you are NOT BELOW her in any way, okay? you may think that way, but it could not be the case! if this helps, you could try to be more outspoken, but do not, in any way, change your personality coz of this. sure they may ask her out and think she's the hot one now, but it doesn't really matter now. it's later that matters. :) and the inside. it's true.

  2. haha. omgsh, i kinda get what you  mean.

    haha we're so young aren't we? to worry about silly things like this?

    when you get older, guys honestly look at the personality. young boys especially around 13 only want HOT girls and yeah that's a pain in the ***. cause not all HOT girls will prob have a good personality as the more average one. i hope that you have a good personality, maybe you can out shine her with that someday. cause that's all it comes down to anyways.

    at this age  boys only care about looks, stupid. but i think you'll look way better if you have a better personality. it definatelly changes how i look at ppl if they have a good personality. that you can improve on.

    but here's another thing, just get a new make over and you'll get all the attention. teenagers minds work funny.

    try it!

  3. That's a tough situation.  If I were you I wouldn't feel below her.  You are two different people and you have two different personalities.  You're still young and I remember when I was 13 and the opposite s*x was intimidating.  At that age boys like the out going girls because it makes it easier for them to talk to.  Just be yourself and try not to show you are upset.  Act confident even if you aren't feeling it.  It's easy to pick up the vibe someone gives off when they aren't comfortable or confident.  Try talking to a different group of boys without her.  

  4. i have this same problem... go out... without your friend... find a cutie thats not JUST into looks... get to know him without your bestie... wait until ur sure he likes you... then introduce the two... if he starts hanging on her... hes not worth your time anyways... having this guy will help your self-esteem... which it sounds like you need

  5. so you kinda feel like a third wheel?? idk

    but just tell her how u feel

  6. I feel the same way sometimes, and that's kind of what my question is about. My best friend gets all the guys. You just need to focus on your best features, not hers. I know it's tough. Just give it a try.

    This is mine:

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