Here is a link by one of our deniers in a previous post. In the link it clearly states 1934 was the warmest year on record for the UNITED STATES.
"climatologists at the Goddard Institute of Space Science in New York now accept that 1934 was historically the United States' hottest year since records began" (August 16, 2007)
But, here is what NASA GISS shows, straight from their website, with 1934 and 1998 tied for the warmest UNITED STATES temps on record (January 11, 2008)
Since this is the GLOBAL Warming section, why do they (deniers)insist on showing US records?
Here is the NASA GISS website, plain as day. Nowhere does it show 1934 as the warmest year on record GLOBALLY.
NOAA, same thing...
HadCRUT, again it's the same thing...
Is this deception on the deniers part? The data is right there if you open your eyes!