
Hourly wage vs. Monthly wage?

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When I past 3 months probation, my employer told me that she will keep me as hourly wage instead of monthly wage. But I get all the benefit and vacation paid. I work in San Francisco, and she told me that there is minimum monthly salary required in SF. Should I accept the hourly wage, or should I askm for monthly wage.

Thanks in advance!!





  1. Don't know what you should do, but the essential difference is that hourly wage employees generally are paid overtime; salaried employees generally are not.

    There are very specific federal guidelines as to what is necessary for your employer to avoid paying you overtime.

  2. Hourly wage is typically paid to labor, whereas monthly wage is typically paid to management. However, most hourly wage jobs provide overtime pay. (Overtime pay works like this: If you normally get paid $5.00 per hour, you get $7.50 for every hour you work past the "full-time" 40 hours.) Monthly wage jobs do not provide overtime pay.  

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