I have been burping over and over and over again for the past 3 hours. and i just want to go to bed. But I cannot stop. No taste. But I feel like I'm going to be sick. What does this mean? Has anyone else gotten this, and why?
I typed it in on google, and it strangely came up on this Celiac disease website (an intolerance to "gluten", main ingredient in wheat, makes the hairs in your intestines lay down, somethin like that. I don't completely understand it) but I have been tested for that (I have weird undiagnosed problems) but they couldnt diagnose. But on this Celiac forum, people with that disease were talking about when they went on their "gluten free diet" (no wheat) they had this same thing happen. And coincidentally I decided a few days ago to go on a gluten free diet, to test and see If I do in fact have Celiac. Idk, maybe it's another factor in deciding if I do have it.
Plus, I was supposed to go to sleep 3 hours ago, and I cant stop burping. gahh Know what to do??