
Hours non stop burping!!? celiac disease? seriously someone help.?

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I have been burping over and over and over again for the past 3 hours. and i just want to go to bed. But I cannot stop. No taste. But I feel like I'm going to be sick. What does this mean? Has anyone else gotten this, and why?

I typed it in on google, and it strangely came up on this Celiac disease website (an intolerance to "gluten", main ingredient in wheat, makes the hairs in your intestines lay down, somethin like that. I don't completely understand it) but I have been tested for that (I have weird undiagnosed problems) but they couldnt diagnose. But on this Celiac forum, people with that disease were talking about when they went on their "gluten free diet" (no wheat) they had this same thing happen. And coincidentally I decided a few days ago to go on a gluten free diet, to test and see If I do in fact have Celiac. Idk, maybe it's another factor in deciding if I do have it.

Plus, I was supposed to go to sleep 3 hours ago, and I cant stop burping. gahh Know what to do??




  1. How did they test you for celiac? a blood test maybe?

    If your t-TG came back negative, then there is only a 2% chance that they missed your diagnosis.

    Anyway, it is GLUTEN you want to avoid if you are trying a gf diet, not just wheat. It is wheat, barley,rye, triticale, spelt, kamut, etc. etc. Not just wheat. (and this includes anything made or derived from those grains as well) (like malt, its from barley).

    I am thinking you might have food allergies perhaps? did the doc that did the celiac screening also test you for food allergies? Lactose intolerance? Are you having any other digestive symptoms like the big "D" or lots of flatulence?

    seriously, what you need to do is keep a food diary. What you ate, how you felt afterwards, any digestive issues, etc.  and take that to your doc. In the meanwhile I suggest you take some gas-x to help relieve the burping. So sorry you are feeling poorly and I hope you get some sleep and feel better soon!


    OMG! they probably missed a sprue area when they did your endoscopy. I have read about this and that very thing has delayed diagnosis for years. Wow. Never thought I would "meet" one!  Did you have a t-TG done? I am sure you did. Ok. go here:

    you have a 91- 94% chance of having celiac with a + t-TG.  In other words, it is very unlikely that you do NOT have celiac. What you need to do now is INSIST on getting the genetic testing done because what you have now is "inconclusive results" with one pos (bloodwork) and one negative (endoscopy). For them not to dig deeper is just weird.

    Ok. Here is what you need to do. Go to and do all the research you can.Then get on the forum. There are some really, really good people there and several GI's that check on the forum frequently. Post your basic blood test results and your endo findings. I promise you people there will help you make sense of all of this.

    Then get yourself on a gf diet. Remember, they can not MAKE you eat gluten.

    At the very least it sounds like you are like my brother. He does not have active celiac that they can find, but he is def. gluten sensitive, probably a celiac waiting to trigger. He is also on a lifetime gf diet along with the rest of us (75% of my family has it).

    Good luck. I really, really hope this helps! Hang in there!

    p.s the allergy thing makes sense, since celiac is an autoimmune (antigen related) disease and allergies are a histamine reaction, that makes total sense to me. Keep insisting and digging. Make them find out what is happening to you, ok!?! You have all my best thoughts and wishes!

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