
House break Bassethound?

by  |  earlier

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He is already 1 and a half is it even possible? I tried crate training him and limiting house access to only the living room/kitchen but that did not work because he would always bark non-stop at night (if I left him in the crate) and he would still have accidents in the living room. I walk him twice a day hoping that this will encourage him to hold his business until he gets his daily walk. I tried positive reinforcement and rewarding him when he went outside to do his business. Its not that he doesn't know that he's suppose to go outside because he always scratches the door to let me know he has to go. Its more of a marking issue. I vaccum and steam vaccum to keep the place clean, but he still marks. I don't know what to do and this is getting frustrated because he's releasing himself more at home since its summer. It seems like since the weather got hot he is sleeping more but he is also too lazy to go out. I have not tried local pet shops for training, will that work or is it basic




  1. Put a dog diaper on him? My dog also refuses to be house trained. Unlike yours, she won't tell me when she needs to go. We take her out about every 3 hours during the day. I know the times she tends to p**p, so if she doesn't pee or p**p when she's supposed to, she goes back into her crate for an hour, then we try her outside again. Check with the pet store, get the trainer's name, and speak to them personally about their class and what they suggest you do.

  2. divorce him

  3. having him fixed is not the answer. i tried that with my shitzu.  i crate my dog at night and try to leave him outside as mush as possible during the day. if i have to leave for any reason he goes back to the crate and then i let him out as soon as i return. i try never to crate longer than 4 hrs except at night when hes sound to sleep.

  4. I Hav e a basset my self mine is one and you have to have patients my was trained with patience you should crate train it first it helps one house training do not yell at the dog `when you are stressed so is the dog

  5. Make sure no one else marks their territory. My dog still does that. Bring him to his mark, point at it and say no. Make sure he goes on walks, he's allowed to pee on walks.

  6. What does this have to do with grade schoolers?

  7. How long were you keeping him in the crate for?  When I first started crate training, we only left him in there for about 4 hours max.  If you think it's more of a marking issue, you should get him fixed.

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