
House finch question?

by  |  earlier

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several weeks ago we found a nest in a hanging basket. after time, there were 6 eggs in the nest. A little later they started hatching 2 died, so there were a total of 4 babies. While they were in the nest we kept taking it down to water the plant every other day (the mother bird was fine with this). Any way, today we took down the plant to water it and one of the babies flew off. Once it was set down 3 others flew off on to the grass. We kept watching them and with observation, have determined that they are not able to fly high enough to reach the hanging basket, where their nest is. My question.... should we keep the hanging basket where it is supposed to be or leave it on the ground so that the little ones can make it back to the nest?

Thanks in advance for your answers!




  1. You may have "force-fledged" these birds, meaning you caused them to leave the nest before they were ready to leave by scaring them by moving the plant.  I suggest you replace the babies back into the nest, and refrain from watering again until they leave the nest. Do not leave the nest on the ground..this will allow ground predators to get to it easily, hang it back up where it belongs.   Sounds like if they are not ready now..they will be shortly.  Once they can jump out of the nest like that..this indicates that they will be ready soon.  Do not worry about your scent being on the babies.. birds have a poorly developed sense of smell and will not abandon their babies due to them being touched by humans.

  2. You should try putting the babies back in the nest and hanging it back up
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