
House history?

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How do I go about tracing who has lived in my house since it was built (late 1890s in UK)? Tried the 1901 cencus, but most of the search facilities I've used require a name, too, rather than just an address.

Thanks for your help.




  1. ***I know in the US you can go to the Municipal Offices and trace the deeds on the property backwards.  In Pennsylvania, you look at the deed for your home and see who you bought it from.  Take their name and find their deed on the house and see who they bought it from, etc., etc., etc. This is the way to see who has owned the property.

    To see who lived there, go to the directories as the last responder suggested.

    My house was also built in 1880 and I traced mine back to the original grant in that manner.

    Hope this helps

  2. You can get the names of people who lived in your house, go to the local electoral roll and find them there, also in your library ask if they have town directory's, they used to index people A-Z or even by streets, I have a 1926 one that was republished for a local Charity,

    Using ancestry you can search the census returns page at a time but it would help if you have a district number which would cut down the search,  and last but not least there is the deeds to the house which would record everyone who owned the house (not necessarily who lived there), just a thought try the Land Registry see if they can help.

    Good luck and good hunting
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