
House party help?

by  |  earlier

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Ok here's the deal having a party out in the country so no neibors umm just thinking basically DJ and alcohol uh mabe some beer pong yadid? Anything tight that you've done at other parties? Need ideas thanks oh and also gonna try to hook up with a girl there any advice




  1. Me & my friends do this about once every other month or so. MY suggestion is do without the DJ, and burn at LEAST 5 mixed cd's & play them, the guys usually end up "flowing" [[freestyling]].. If this is gonna be outside or in a big house, then yes beer pong, ALSO instead of paying a DJ, get a keg. Its like 50 bucks, and lasts way longer, plus you can make the girls do keg stands [[so0o0 fun!]] also get a cheap vodka [[less than $8]] and 2 different flavors of jello and make jello shots.. It will make about 50 of them, for real cheap. For the remainder of the vodka [[about a cup or two]] get maraschino cherries [[from a jar]] and sit them in the vodka, freeze them..when every1 gets nice and tipsy pass them around [[cherry bombs]] soo0o good. Us girls especially ♥ them. Make sure n take lots of pix [[myspace]] lol, and also its a good idea to make some spiked punch [[k00n dawg]] 4 the girls..we always put ours in a kiddie pool, and scoop it out with our cups..Have fun, n send me the address, cuz I WILL be there! lol

  2. So this is in the country where people arent anywhere around you? If so go all out on this party. A cool DJ, Alcohol, Weed, Chicks, Big *** Bonfire, Set up some tables, beer pong. If your looking to hook up with a girl, get her drunk....then just pull some S****y moves on her, it could work cause shes drunk. Make it an open house party, anyone can come.

    Just go all out on this party dude.

    Will raise your popularity and might get you laid!

  3. Beer pong is always a nice touch to a house party. :]

  4. I have done and recommend a Jell-o wrestling and Jell-o shot party. Search google for Jello wrestling jello, it is special jello that won't liquify.

    For Jello Shots check out this link:

    For some drinking games check out this link:

    I highly suggest dodge beer!

    Then, I also recommend doing an ice luge, and pouring s*x on the beach shots down it.

    Here is the s*x on the beach shot recipe:

    *Tip, with each of those links, there is a drink calculator at the bottom of the page that will tell you exactly how much liquor to purchase based on # of drinkers and # of drinks/ person.

    Hope this helps!!
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