
House party ideas?

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my friend is visiting me from europe and wants me meet all my friends. i dont like parties at all but i'm doing it for her. im 15 so what are some good ideas for a get together? (1.5 days to plan=




  1. You can have a bbq and invite everyone over.  Make hamburgers and hot dogs with some sides and salads.  Introduce her and let everyone talk and mingle.  Does she speak English?  This is the only way that you're going to be able to have a party and introduce her to everyone, otherwise you're going to need to stand by her and interpret for her when anyone tries to talk to her.  If she doesn't speak English, you're better off with her meeting people one by one so it's easier for you to interpret for her and go back and forth, it's exhausting to do that, being the go between for the 2 languages, and if that's the case I would do this in a one on one setting with each friend and explain to her that you're just not able to do that for her in a party setting.

    If she can speak English, I wouldn't worry about it, let her hold her own after you introduce her to everyone.  If she wants to meet your friends, then it sounds like she is social enough to handle herself in the social setting.  You can introduce her and let her go about talking to everyone and letting her mingle.  She'll probably do great!  It's very sweet of you to do this for her being you don't like to have parties.

    I would just do a small bbq of your closest friends and tell her that you're comfortable with this group and smaller groups of people and anyone else she can meet throughout the rest of her trip.  If she's a true friend she will understand and be very grateful for all the trouble that you went through for her, especially knowing that it's not something you're comfortable with.  

    If you'd rather not host a party, you can get together a local diner or restuarant where you and your friends like to eat.  Somewhere casual where you can just relax and be with your friends.  I'm not sure where you're from, but like an Applebees or Chili's kind of place, where it's laid back and casual, but the food is good and you can still have fun, but it's not a diner.  Maybe you can ask your closest friends to meet there so you can introduce her and go out for lunch or dinner, whatever YOU are comfortable with.  YOU have to be comfortable too!  You are doing this for her and they are your friends, but this is something that you have to feel good doing and feel good about, and if you're not comfortable, explain that to her!  Tell her you'd rather her meet them one by one as she's here through her visit.  

    You can even tell her that you'll make plans with different friends while she's here so she can meet them all if you don't want to do a gathering of all of them.  You can do dinner with one or two of them one day and then maybe go to the mall with another on another day, and then lunch with another on another day.  If you're more comfortable with that, tell her.  She's still meeting your friends, just not all at once and you can tell her it will be less overwhelming for you and her to do it all at once.  This way she can meet them in smaller amounts and not one big thing.  Don't do anything you're not comfortable with.  If she's your true friend, she will understand and you're not hiding your friends from her, you're just easing into it in a way you feel better about.  

    You can even do the movies, mini golf, do different kinds of activities, so this way you're doing things and not just sitting around and then you can meet up with a different set of friends in a few days later.

    I hope this helps, but if you do want to do one big gather, you can do a bbq or a picnic, or meet up somewhere that you and your friends like to hang out and grab a bite to eat.  If you have a Dave&Buster's nearby you can take her there, then you can go  and  play some games, eat, and mix things up a bit.  See what your friends are comfortable doing too since they're part of it too.

    I hope you have a great get together and that you have a great visit with your friend!

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