
House votes to provide $162 billion in war funding. Bush tells flood-weary Iowa citizens he's listening.......

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House votes to provide $162 billion in war funding. Bush tells flood-weary Iowa citizens he's listening.......




  1. Yes as the Democratic Congress moves the ball towards voting 300 billion in new national debt so we can save "housing speculation" and big banks full of gamblers and crooks.  This on top of a pork stuffed farm bill 300 billion strong and 600 billion stimulous package to refund taxes to people that were tax nuetral in the first place.  Yes this government is working just fine.  Just can't imagine why the gas price is so high..... and the dollar has fallen off a value cliff.....

  2. How will Halliburton and Co. profit in Iowa?

  3. The whole war funding bill is garbage. $162 Billion???? thats ******* insane, i mean come on...isn't the US in enough debt already? as i recall hearing, only a few years ago did the US finally finish paying for the Civil war, and that was like 150 years ago....based on that info doesn't that mean that it will take the US nearly 300-400 years to pay off this one?

    instead of funding for more war in Iraq and Afganistan, they should take that $162 Billion and spend it on domestic use, such as fighting poverty, unemployment, civil works, border control, and the overall betterment of this country. The congress/house needs to stop worring about big business and start focusing more on the failing US dollar, you know, the basis of all world trade? That should be more of an importance to them instead of a war that is based upon bogus accusations that Iraq and Afghanistan have or had "weapons of mass destruction"......

    As for Iowa....their situation is pretty dreary, and it probably won't get better any time soon. There are people that were effected by Katrina that are still waiting for good 'Ole Uncle Sam to still help them out. Wasn't that like 3 years ago? i mean come long does a US tax payer have to wait before their country tosses them a bone? its bogus! Seriously guys, as the government has been showing, it must not be a big deal to have a national disaster that effects millions of people vs. a war that is being fought on the complete opposite side of the world.. Not to mention a war that has been completely twisted astray for its original intentions. remember? It started off as a war to fight world terrorism, and now it is a fight to keep a democratic form of government in control of Iraq....does that make sense to anybody else? it seems like the Gov't just likes to spend money on useless causes, just because if it does end up working out, they would like a hefty share in the oil reserves that the country in question has control of.

    ok enough of my ranting.


  4. I agree.  Those in need at home should be priority number one.  That war could have been over for a lot less money if the liberal media wasn't fighting it.

  5. bush offers iowans-- shovels and sandbags.

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