
House warming party?????

by  |  earlier

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How do i go about having one?

Do i ask for stuff i need or want? or do i invite people and whatever they bring they bring?




  1. Call it a "Welcome to my new home party"'s less assuming.  People will just KNOW to bring you something and if they ASK...just ask for gift cards so you can get what you need without sounding needy.

  2. Yeah i know from experience that it is rude too ask for things. You just have too hope that what they give you is something good and use-full. But if it is not then just act like you like it. It's just like a birthday party when you were young,  when you open your presents, and you hope its a new toy but instead its CLOTHES!! eww. Well that's what i would want now days, but anyway just act like you like whatever they give you.  

  3. depends on how well you like the people you invite if you don't know them and you know it's gonna be off the hook charge an entry fee if it's all friends get what you can and ask them to pitch in with you

  4. When we bought our home 10 years ago, we registered the item that we needed at Target and Bath and Beyond.  Each store has these business cards that you can put into your invitation.  Make sure you have plenty of food, drinks and invite the people you love.

  5. Go for the latter. I hate when people ask for things because it seems very grabby. If you must ask for something, call it a stock the bar party or something similar. Make sure you have some really good food and plenty to drink if you're going to ask for gifts. Go to some real effort.

  6. I have always found that at a house warming party, you invite those that you know and care about and they tend to either KNOW or ASK what you need.  I wish you luck.  There is nothing wrong with dropping hints, but don't be overbearing!

    Have fun and congrats on your new place!!

  7. You can always send an invite via e-mail with evite.. invite friends, family, and whoever else you feel comfortable with.  As far as gifts, usually people will bring whatever they want... if you want something in particular articulate it delicately- you don't want to seem like you're having a party just for gifts and you shoudl be grateful for people showing up with anything

  8. You could register, like you would for a wedding or baby shower. Send out invites and place a small card in saying registered at so and so.  You can throw a nice dinner party for 20-30 people with finger foods or have a pot luck.  I've seen a lot of Spaghetti or Lasagna served at house warming parties. Congrats on your new home. Good Luck

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