
Household accidental damage insurance?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I've broke my laptop and I think I cam claim on my house insurance, do they replace the laptop with something similar or will they let me choose something that is the same price as my laptop (£500 from PC World in 2006).




  1. Oops I dropped it isn't covered.  

    Likely, you won't have any coverage at all, sorry.

  2. it depends on your policy. if it is a new for old policy, then they will replace it with a laptop of the same spec as the one that has been damaged. it may be that the laptop is now worth less than £500 as they go down in price very quickly.

    if you didn't like the one they can replace it with, then you can ask for a cash settlement (depending on the insurance company) but it wouldn't be for £500, it would be for the cost of a laptop now to the same spec.

    hope this helps x*x

  3. When that happened to my laptop they just looked around for one with a similar spec. However, by then laptops had advance a bit so I got a better one.

  4. As in all insurance questions, you need to check your policy well, you will only get the same price as you paid for it if your policy quite clearly states 'New for old', otherwise they will pay you a relatively poor second hand value.

  5. They will match it with a similiar spec available in todays market.

    Just because you paid £500 two years ago doesn't necessarily mean they will give you a £500 cheque. They will see how much the same spec laptop costs to replace now.

    Don't forget your excess deduction as well.

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