
Household rules for 9 year old daughter...?

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I am writing up a "family rules" to post at my house so everything is in stone, so that there is less discussion when we must disapline. I already have a few like yelling always respect by speaking in a calm voice backtalk


I also have a 16 month old that is getting timeouts.




  1. 1) Always have respect for everyone in the household

    2) No swearing

    3) It's ok to voice your opinion as long as you don't hurt anyone else's feelings

    4) All homework is to be completed that day/night

    5) Bed time is at such and such time and there will be no arguments about it

    6) Use indoor voice

    7) If you take something out (such as toys) put it back where it belongs

    8) When you do something wrong you will apologize to that person who you did wrong

    9) Don't wear any revealing clothes:

           - Mini skirts

           - Thongs

           - Short shirts

    10) No listening to music that has profanity or sexual lyrics

    11) If your going somewhere always make sure you tell both parents where your going, who your with, when you will be back

    12) No serious boyfriends

    13) If she has a boyfriend come over; they must stay in the main area

  2. Clean up after yourself when you use the kitchen.

    I'm very concerned about your first rule.  People are human and humans sometimes lose control of themselves.  It is simply not possible to expect your kids to always speak in a calm voice.

  3. Those sound great.  I would add No slamming doors (you know when kids storm off to their rooms I dont know its my pet peeve)

    I would also add a reward and disipline system so they have something to work for! :) Best of Luck!

  4. 1. respect others belongings.  ask before you borrow something

    2. Leave a room in better condition then you found it.

    3. TV, computer, music and other forms of entertainment are a privilege.  Your behavior can result in the loss of one or more at any time.

  5. My mom was always the type that her rule was make sure the bed was made before leaving the house. And always set the table. Dont just make rules, make chores. to make them more responsible I think it helped me now.

  6. We have several rules that I always seem to say:

    ** Keep your hands to yourself at all times.

    ** If it isn't yours, don't touch it.

    ** Art supplies can only be used at the homework table and you can only write on your coloring books or scrap paper, unless you ask mommy or daddy.

    And the number one rule is: FOLLOW ALL THE RULES!

  7. No need to write the rules.  Make your home your home and not a supernanny home.  16 months is too young for timeouts.  Calmly and gently teach your children what no means.

  8. You can write it in stone all day long, and they are still going to argue with you when you catch them breaking the rules.

    I think the best rules are:

    1)  Listen to your mom.

    2)  Your mom is always right.

    3)  When in doubt, go back to rule #1.

    Good luck.

  9. I am sorry but 16 months is too young for time outs.  Maybe you should baby proof your house better so the child doesn't get into trouble.   They are simply exploring their surroundings. They don't know what punishment means.

  10. Pick up after yourself

    keep your space tidy ( Like their room)

    Help set the table

    Rinse off your dishes

    Don't slam doors

    Help put the dishes away ( Or make them run the dishwasher if you have one)

    Make your bed before school

    These are just a few that come to mind I had to do way more when i was nine so these aren't really bad.

  11. I'd say no screaming, because I have a little sister and she screams all the time for no reason, its very  immature to do for no reason.

    She is also 9.

  12. 3. Keep your hands to yourself.

    4. No running around.

    5. Respect others in the house.

    6. Listen to the adult.

    7. No attitudes towards the adult

    8. Respect siblings.

    9. No stomping your feet or slamming doors when getting mad.

    !0. Clean up after yourself. No messes.

    - Break any of these and: YOUR punished (however you want tv for a week, no sweets or computer, no play dates for a week..however u want it)

  13. First of all I think 16 months is WAY too young for a time out!  They are not capable of understanding what they are in trouble for. The rule is one minute for each year old so if you feel the need to put your baby in time out for a minute then I guess go ahead but I don't think it will help.

    As for your nine year old you can make those rules all day long but they are still going to talk back and be disrespectful, I would just start taking away things she really likes, game systems the TV don't let her go to a friends house things of that nature. Also the eight to ten year old age is really bad for girls they are constantly challenging you and talking back but magically around 10 they just stop... dead cold and become almost angelic until they become teens it is like the calm before the storm, LOL. Good luck with what ever you choose.

  14. Pick up after yourself

  15. put back what you take out.

  16. Disobediance gets you sent to the GULAG.

  17. stick to that if they go off the line just ground thm and take fav things away from them like video games barbies ect...

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