
Housewarming party?

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My fiancee and I just got a new apartment, and we want to have a housewarming party. One weekend we're going to invite his sister, his mom and dad, and his nephews, the next my aunt and uncle and my cousins, and the next my mom and dad.....

What would be good things to cook?

Nothing expensive either, we're on a limited budget.




  1. Aloo Pies

    Serving 9

    2 cups flour

    2 tsp. baking powder

    1 1/4 tsp. salt

    1/4 cup water (approx)

    1 lb. potatoes

    1/2 tsp. black pepper hot pepper to taste

    1 tsp. roasted ground cumin (geera)

    1 tsp. minced garlic

    1 cup oil for deep-frying


    1. Mix flour, baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt and water; knead lightly, cover with damp cloth and allow to relax.

    2. Boil potatoes in water until tender, peel and crush well.

    3. Season with remaining salt, black pepper, hot pepper, ground cumin and garlic.

    4. Divide dough in 9 balls and flatten each ball into a 4" circle.

    5. Place 2 tablespoons potato mixture on half of each flattened ball; fold over and seal well to form a crescent.

    6. Fry in hot oil for a few seconds, turn over and cook until golden brown. Drain on paper towels.

  2. Since the folks are probably aware of your budget, how about a potluck?  You supply the wine, salad, and dessert and someone can bring appetizers and main dish.  No?  Here are some other ideas:

    Weekend I

    Roasted chicken legs and thighs

    Mashed potatos

    Fresh asparagas

    Apple pie sundaes

    Weekend II


    Green salad

    French bread

    Chocolate sundaes

    Weekend III

    Pork Roast

    Mashed potatos

    Glazed ginger carrots

    Strawberry cake

    Each of these things can be fairly inexpensive, even the pork roast.  Buy the potatos and ice cream in bulk and spring for the organic baby carrots for your glazed ginger carrots.  Bon Appetit!

  3. good day,

    Sound like big fun family... May I suggest the following which you and make at one time a freeze and reheat each group..and we can do this for 4 parties for under 75 dollars...

    Buy 4 or 5 foil baking pans;

    1 roll foil

    4 pkt Alfredo sauce

    2 herb pasta sauce

    4 lbs Italian sausage

    4 boxes riggie pasta

    2 lg bags broccoli tops

    2 lbs mozz cheese shredded

    1 lg can parm cheese

    now cook all the pasta and divide in pans, split up broccoli into 4 pans,make sauce and add 1/2 of the cheeses and pour over pasta and broccoli and top with remaining cheeses.. cover with foil and freeze. remove and put in 350 oven for 40 -45 minutes and uncover and leave in another 10-15 and serve with garlic bread and tossed salad.. pick up a large supply of plates and plastic ware and cups and party on.. good luck

  4. Big pot of chili with fixins' like side of doritoes,salsa, tomatoes, onions, jalapenos,shredded cheese


    pot of spaghetti with garlic bread and a tossed salad

  5. What you describe doesn't really sound like a "party" - more inviting groups of people over to introduce them to your apartment.

    I'd opt for something casserole-ish like lasagne, macaroni and cheese, etc.  The less fuss with dishes and clean-up, the better.  Besides the kids would love the mac & cheese.

    Good luck and enjoy!

  6. Finger foods would be good.  Meat & cheese platter, antipasta platter, mini-salad sandwich platter (tuna, chicken, ham). Sweet & sour kielbasa (crockpot), sweet & sour meatballs (crockpot), Pepperoni pizza dip (crockpot),  buffalo chicken dip (crockpot). Hotdog & hamburg on the grill. Round off with either a potato salad, veggie salad, or macaroni salad.  A nice pound cake with fruit, a fruit tart, or fruit salad for dessert.
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