
Housewives - Do you find that your home looks lovely then...?

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you start cleaning out the cupboards / drawers and hidden places and think my god!

I like to keep my house neat and tidy, but dont alway get the chance to declutter drawers etc... and I was digusted with myself to all the rubbish and dirt I found.

Is anyone else like this? God I feel so dirty now lol!




  1. ya absolutely.they are home makers,our peace makers.....they take care us, children's etc.and one have to realy love them

  2. I try to have a good clear out of drawers, cupboards and wardrobes every 6 months.  Its amazing how much clutter you can accumulate so qickly

  3. I'm exactly the same! I decided to tidy my kitchen cupboards one afternoon but soon realised it was a bigger job than first expected! It's gonna take me a good few weeks to finish the job! Lol!

  4. Not really.  I have plenty of time to take care of those areas so they don't get too cluttered.  (of course I don't have any little kids running around either....)♥☺♥

  5. I have 3 kids, & a part time job, so know exactly how you feel. What upsets me most is having to explain to my hubby that I have been working hard at it all day, when the rest of the house looks as if it hasn't been touched, which it hasn't because you've been doing the jobs that the men have no idea exist, let alone need doing!

  6. We just moved in, cleaned everything. I have good intentions of keeping up with it, but ask me this again in a year...

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