
Housewives-- What are some good ways to save money around the house?

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I'm a housewife and college student. I can't work because I take too many classes and I need A's to get scholarships and FAFSA so I don't have to take out loans that I won't be able to pay for later. I want to do something to take some of the financial burden off my husband. What can I do to save money around the house?

-We don't use credit cards. The min. payment is $75/month and we've been paying $200- $300 to pay them off.

-We rent a 2 bdr apt that's $580/month (which includes water, sewage, trash, cable, and internet).

-Our cars were both paid for in cash years ago. No payments.

-We spend about $50-60/week in groceries/necessities

How can I save some money? What are some ways to cut down our electricity bill? Grocery bill? And gas costs?

(No kids. Just us two.)




  1. wow!!!!!....looks like u guys are doing great....i would reduce my credit card payments to 100 if the minimum was 75 and i was not using priority is my studies....that would save you a bit......gosh!!!!!!...a v2 bdroom apt for 580 w/all utilities paid...where do u live....check ur car isurance to see if u can save....any cell for electricity,grocery and gas...i dont live with you...only you can figure those out.....good luck

  2. Hi, you might want to take up some online jobs to supplement your income. check out this website if you are interested.

  3. Sounds like you are on the right track. Congratulations on that. To cut down on electricity switch to high efficiency light bulbs. Turn them off when not in use. Turn the thermostat up in the summer and down in the winter. When you are away from home adjust it even further. On nice days open the widows and turn it off. If you have your own washer and dryer, wash only full loads and line dry as much as possible. Make sure all windows and baseboards are caulked and doors are weather stripped. Turn the temperature down on the water heater.

    On groceries and necessities it sounds like you are already doing an excellent job. All I can suggest is give generics a try (some are worth it some are not) Put up leftovers, sack lunches, and clip coupons.

    For gas, change your driving behavior. Drive slower and don't accelerate quickly, coast to a stop sign instead of riding on the gas then braking instantly before stopping. Plan your errands in a logical fashion so you aren't running back and forth. Try to do as much as possible each time you are out and about.

    You can also try doing some easy at-home work like selling on eBay. If you have some clothes or items around the house that you don't need start there. Just research what you are selling so you know how much to charge for shipping and all.

    Good luck!

  4. You sound like you have a pretty modest budget already so I'm not sure how much you could improve without taking some drastic measures.

    Move into a cheaper apartment, but it sounds like yours is already pretty cheap, and a good deal considering it comes with so much.

    Electricity, unplug battery chargers, anything with a digital clock, and the computer when not in use.  Make sure you don't have air leaks around your windows.  Which is obvious in the winter and you feel the draft, but in the summer they let in humidity and allow cool air from the a/c to escape.  

    You might be able to save a lot of money on gas and insurance if you sell one car.  Can you and your husband get by with one vehicle?  Can you take public transit to school, or can he to work?  A bus pass is a lot cheaper than gassing up a car and paying insurance on it, not to mention oil changes, new tires, brakes etc...  In Canada, public transit is tax deductable so you even get money back for using it.  

    Make your own house cleaners.  Vinegar and baking soda can clean almost anything and not only is it better for the environment, it's better for the budget.

    Use half the amount of laundry detergent you normally would.  I've found that less the recommended amount can still get your clothes clean and smelling good.

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