I'm a housewife and college student. I can't work because I take too many classes and I need A's to get scholarships and FAFSA so I don't have to take out loans that I won't be able to pay for later. I want to do something to take some of the financial burden off my husband. What can I do to save money around the house?
-We don't use credit cards. The min. payment is $75/month and we've been paying $200- $300 to pay them off.
-We rent a 2 bdr apt that's $580/month (which includes water, sewage, trash, cable, and internet).
-Our cars were both paid for in cash years ago. No payments.
-We spend about $50-60/week in groceries/necessities
How can I save some money? What are some ways to cut down our electricity bill? Grocery bill? And gas costs?
(No kids. Just us two.)