
Housewives! - what is the minimum amount of cash you'd need per month for cleaning materials?

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Housewives! - what is the minimum amount of cash you'd need per month for cleaning materials?




  1. i usually spend about £15 a month.this covers washing powder,washng up liquid.cleaner for kitchen and bathroom.floor cleaner,polish air fresheners etc and cloths and scourers.

  2. Depends on the size of the house, number of people in it, pets, cleanliness of residents, price of living in the community you're in, and previous quality of the house (e.g. if it's a fix-er-upper).  There isn't any way to estimate that - the range is HUGE.

  3. Too many variables to answer that. How often do you clean, are you stingy with things or do you use lots of whatever it is, how big is the house, how many people live in it, are they tidy or sloppy people, adults or small children, do you use paper towels or rags, are you including laundry in that, do you need special cleaners for any surfaces, do you need vacuum bags or not, are there pets and if so how many and what kind, will you only buy eco-friendly brand name stuff or just the cheapest you can get, etc, etc.

  4. I'm not a housewife (and I'm not sure why you'd think they'd be the only ones to know) but the minimum cost of housecleaning products has a lot of variables.

    The seasons change how your home gets dirty. Rainy seasons mean more floor cleaning, and so do winter holidays (lots of company). Then in the spring it is usually the time when people choose to do home-overhaul cleanings. This time would include the expense of cleaning inside and outside the home, and possibly the purchase of new organizational equipment.

    If you need to figure out a cost estimate, than you should make a list of the needed items and go to a store (I recommend Target) and price out the list.

  5. depends really....

    The most you'd need to replenish each month would be disposable items...sponges, detergents, etc.

    I can't see needing more than $20-40 per month...and this is probably pretty generous.

  6. I suppose it depends on what you mean by "cleaning materials".  I mean if we are simply talking the solutions, then maybe $20?  If you are including the tools, then it would average out much more.  How much sf are you cleaning?  Are you going "green"?  If I included tools and solutions, I can bare bones about $30 a month going "green" with baking soda, vinegar, dish soap, hand soap, bleach, and laundry soap, with micro fiber cloths, a good mop, paper towels, a decent vacuum, a dust pan, a broom, car wash solution, car wax, front loader washing machine and clothesline.  My house is about 2800 sf and another 1500 sf in the basement.  I have a van and truck to wash too, oh and the flea dip for the 2 dogs!  Sheesh.....okay maybe its more like $50 on average?

  7. I would think labor costs would be the more expensive part of your monthly equation..

  8. WTF?  Why direct the question to women only?  

    How about......$ pay YOU to clean MY house. ($60 per week).

  9. 20,000 bucks!

  10. Dishwashing Soap, Soap to handwash dishes, Laundry Soap, Glass Cleaner, Dust Cleaner, Mopping. I would say at least 20

  11. are you counting the depreciation of the vacuum, washer, dryer, dishwasher?  cost of  water and energy to heat the water?  electricity to run appliances?  how big is the family and what are the ages of family members?  How big is the house?  Condition of house?  What materials are used for flooring and window treatments?  Are you in an area that is very dusty, such as near a field or farm?  Is a home-based business conducted out of the home?  How clean do you want the house?

    Obviously, a 3000 square foot home is going to need more cash than a 1500 square foot home.

    Too many variables to give you a valid range.

  12. Sounds like you may be setting a budget for your wife.  How about asking guys how much money a month they need for beer?

  13. I think anyone who is a "housewife" would have enough money for a maid.

  14. Generalise Much?

  15. well lets see  lol  bleach is around 2.00 laundry detergent is 8.00  those are the ones i but every month  but then ya got the ones ya done have to buy as often like Windex pine sol  til ex  air fresheners furniture polish oh and not to mention when ya might need a new mop or broom   ...i could  go on  and on  hence to the saying a women's work is never done   so id say  about a thousand lol  no really probably about 50 dollars  unless you run  out of everything at once

  16. No minimum  because men are slobs and we have to clean up after them that's worth about a million a year! Have you  ever had to clean someone else's t**d out of a toilet if it's your child you don't mind but a grown man? Come on guys clean up after yourselves already!

  17. I have never checked but I'd say quite a lot.  Probably got more expensive now as there are also 'wipes' for everything. Quickly thinking of what I buy (and you perhaps can calculate the cost) is Detergent for the washing machine, Hand wash detergent, fabric softner, fabric fresher, thousands of toilet rolls, kitchen rolls, bleach, cistern blocks, kitchen cleaner, bathroom cleaner, shower cleaner, Jay Cloths, scourers, washing cloths , Oxy, Shout or Vanish stain remover, Carpet stain remover, Washing up Liquid, furniture polish, various air freshner and air freshner 'thingys', dish washing tablets, Rinse Aid for dish washer, glass cleaner, micro fibre cloths, floor cleaner for tiles, wood floor cleaner, brasso,drain unblocker, dusters, Vileda mop or mop heads, loads of wipes that I often use in conjunction with other cleaners.........Now that's just off the top of my head so if you are asking this to give your partner an allowand LOL please BE GENEROUS.  Incidentally, I am really hopeless at cleaning and that's the honest truth !!!

  18. I need whatever I need.  I get whatever I need.   Sooooooo.........$200.00 sounds like a fair and arbitrary amount.

  19. at least £100!!!!! i have cupboards full of the stuff. if i see something on offer i will buy it. my mate says i have ocd with cleaning anyway so more cleaning stuff the better. i like to have a variety of fragrances as it depends on my mood as to which product i will use on that day so i am forever buying cleaning stuff.

  20. Well the answer to that question depends on the size of your home, what products are used and how often the cleaning occurs.  My list would consist of;

    Furniture Polish

    Mopping Cleaner


    Disinfectant Spray

    Webby to clean Ceiling Fans


    Soft Scrub/Bathrooms

    Toilet Bowl Cleaner

    Dish Soap


    Dust pan

    Toilet Brush

    Pine Sol


    Glass Plus


    Paper Towels

    Brillo Pads

    Oven Cleaner


    Mop Bucket

    Lysol/Room Freshener

    Not all of these items need to be bought monthly.

    A first time buy would be at least $150 and after that $50 a month maybe.

  21. Incoming!!!!!!!

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