
Housing - how much is Gordon Brown handing out this time to keep his job?

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Why do we sit back and let him use OUR money to keep HIS job?




  1. Are you referring to partial buyback of mortgage defaulters' "property", and also the interest free loans to first time buyers? It was mooted, will have to check if any announcement in tonight's Evening Standard.

    It's time we all grew up - TAKING A MORTGAGE IS A HUGE RISK !!! Nobody knows what the world will be like in 25 years' time when one is supposedly paid off. Why should others pay for your risk ?! My grandparents never owned doodly squat and didn't pass round the begging bowl.

  2. It looks like he wants the whole nation to start paying off other people's mortgages.  

  3. since when has he been elseted the last time we had an election was in 2005 for tiny blair gordon brown is most  definitely not elected

    it doens tmatter how much he hands out it wouldnt matter if he gave everyone a million pound (not that he can afford it seeing as he messed the conomy up) regardless of how much he gives out he is living on borrwoe time like the rest of em

  4. he's been elected so we've got to put up with it, doubt if the mortgage lenders will let him get away with much.

  5. Gordon Brown has a lot to answer for when the political history of this period has been written!

    Whatever happens,he personally is a 'dead duck' as far as front line politics is concerned.At this very moment Labour have the necessary number of discontened to force a Labour leadership election!That is why he is not giving 'in depth' interviews these days.

    Is it true that Alistair Darling has threatened to resign because he now refuses to accept responsibility for Gordon Brown's inept financial policies?That is where the next big news story will come from!

    Unfortunately,we have to endure this political cretin for another 2years!That is the only salvation we can hope for and vote  Gordon Brown and his incompetent crew out before they can do any more harm!

  6. Because this side of the ballot box we have no choice its also a very good ploy for when they are finally kicked out of office the next government will have to employ draconian methods to correct there skulduggery and empty bank account and massive debts , and then they will become unpopular and maybe giving Labour  time to regain popularity. Its all a game to them in there luxury padded existence but to us who pays the bills it will be very hard times as usual.

  7. Lorne has hit the nail on the head.

    The problem is the greed of the banks who have dished out 100% mortgages like confetti to people who haven't a clue about financial responsibility. Now they are defaulting en-masse, the same greedy banks have crept to this foolish government (Read taxpayer) and asked them to bail them out. Its an absolute disgrace that they think this is a good idea.

    If I wanted to buy a house now, I would save up a deposit and work hard to pay off a mortgage as fast as possible, not get some poor taxpaying sap take the slack of others financial incompetence.

    It'll all end in tears, this pathetic government are heading for a fall.

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