
Housing priority and drug users(uk only please)

by  |  earlier

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ok,seems to me that in the uk,drug users,alcoholics and those who engage in anti social behavoiur are given preference when it comes to social housing in the uk,they are classed as "vunerable"(no one asked them to take drugs etc)so WHY are these types jumping ahead in housing queue,while working people with families are being pushed to the rear of the queue(this does not affect me,but does so with a couple of friends waiting on housing,who work etc0and what can people do about it? thanks




  1. i know exactly how you feel. my sis and her boyf hav a flat in gloucester docks and when they moved in they both had jobs. but he was made redundant and now they cant get benefits because the money goes to drug users/alcoholics/ pregnant kids/ foreigners etc. i know it's important to give them a chance but why on earth can't they get benifits if hes looking for a job but cant find one?

  2. It does seem to be true and i wonder why more people don't see this. /

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