
Houston Astros’ Brett Wallace feels confident going into camp – MLB News

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Houston Astros’ Brett Wallace feels confident going into camp – MLB News
The Houston Astros’ first baseman Brett Wallace has said he feels confident going into camp and extremely comfortable. Wallace had a little difficulty adapting himself to the Major League which resulted in his being sent back to Triple-A in the past season.
His effort now, once again, is to secure a place in the roster. Previously remaining affiliated with the St. Louis Cardinals, the player, for the first time has a bright chance to succeed in this seemingly arduous endeavour.
To achieve this, Spring Training has to be productive. From the very outlook, it is clear that the player shall attain what he aims at right now. Wallace says he knows and understands the training and coaching staff, as he feels ever confident going into
camp now.
"I feel really confident going into camp and really comfortable," he said. "That's the first time in my career, being traded three times and all that, that I've been able to stay with a team for over a year and kind of gain that experience and gain that
team feeling and comfort level.
"This is the first time I feel going into camp I know everybody -- I know the training staff, I know the coaching staff, I know what they like from me, what they don't like and what they think I need to work on.”
Wallace’s last season performance, under no circumstances, can be called poor. A look at the 115 games that he played shows that he was doing pretty well. His performance was satisfactory, in the Major League games, representing the Houston Astros.
He managed a .259 average, fairly reasonable, with five homers that he hit with 29 RBIs to his credit. While this year he vows to be in shape and be a regular part of the team, the last year J. D. Martinez was upgraded, which culminated with Wallace being
sent to the Minor League.
However, that experience can not discourage him from continuing his journey. He has set himself ready for the uphill task ahead as this time for accomplishments, rather than relegation.



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