
Houston Astros’ catcher Jason Carter sees both sides of Home Plate Collision Ban - MLB News

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Houston Astros’ catcher Jason Carter sees both sides of Home Plate Collision Ban - MLB News
Injuries are a part of baseball and take place every now and again. Sometimes these are minor in nature whereas some have very serious repercussions. Many baseball injuries involve being hit by the ball, be it hitter, fielder or pitcher.
Another aspect of the game that can cause an injury is the home-base collision when the catcher tries to stop the runner from third-base to make it home and get an out. The scene can get ugly and there have been some serious issues that have taken place
at the highest level, in some cases, shattering the confidence and careers of the players.
The debate on whether the collision should be banned or not has been going on for awhile now. Houston Astros’ catcher, Jason Carter sees both sides of the story.
The 25-year-old said that he has been hit a few times and is aware of the dangers. He sees no in between solutions and feels that either it should be banned altogether or left just as it is.
"It's part of the game," said Castro. "I've been hit a few times. It's a dangerous part of the sport. I think, either way, there needs to be kind of a decision one way or the other. … There would have to be a complete ban or leave it the way it is."
Jason thinks that if there are rules in place where you can and cannot do it, it will become a difficult situation where catchers will get confused. It can actually be a reason for harder hits as the catchers will be unsure of whether they should go for
it or not.
The catcher says that he was hit in a game last year against the Milwaukee Brewers but it did not play on his mind during the game. He believes that there is enough history that the people calling for it to be banned have their own valid reasons. There have
been some serious injuries along the way in such collisions.
"It's over so fast. Even when I got hit last year in Milwaukee, the rest of the game I wasn't thinking about it after that. There have been guys who have suffered bad injuries, and I can see why people would be pushing for a rule change, because you don't
want to see guys hurt. I definitely understand that side of the argument," Castro said.
The debate is likely going to continue for more time to come. It is certainly a dangerous aspect of the game and can even be life threatening in some cases. Whatever is decided, it should be done in a manner that the safety of the players is ensured while
the spirit of the game is upheld. In the end of the day, that is all that matters the most.



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