
Houston Rocket fans, how do you feel about the team landing Ron Artest?

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  1. Lots of security guards are getting hired at the Toyota Center this offseason!

  2. good trade

  3. AWESOME now the rockets is like the celtics (big 3eeeeeeeeeee) they can go all the way

  4. I think that they will finally get out the first round. If they fit like a puzzle then my dream will start to come true. But the thing about this is that here come the Laker and Celtics bandwagoners. Ima just give them all a free bandwagon ticket and see the Rockets REAL colors

  5. as a 76ers fan this trade has no effect on me

  6. i'm not a Rockets fan, but i think it's a good trade. the Rockets are now much better than the Lakers.

  7. GREAT MAN there is a new big 3, YEAAAAAAAAA


  8. Well im a kings fan  and trust me u guys are gunna luv this guy he just has a bad rap for the brawl but that was like 3 or 4 yrs ago.  no one shud care about this guy.  The kings get B-Jax but also he's an expiring contract.  6 mil off the books next yr we get another 1st round pick and the rookie Donte Greene so we are definetly building toward the future.

  9. No, Ron Artest is going to be cancer for this team.  He probably won't get along with tmac or yao or barry anytime on or off the court, he is THE type of player that likes to play himself VS opponent team, no team player.  I honestly think this trade isn't going to help houston anyways, we need to still resign Landry, and have a healthy Yao Tmac year.  But I don't know, this team isn't the same as last year.  They (Rockets) have either drastically improved or got worse!!!  And yeah im from houston too

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