
Houston Texans full of praise for coach Gary Kubiak over successful 2011 NFL season run – NFL News

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Houston Texans full of praise for coach Gary Kubiak over successful 2011 NFL season run – NFL News
Houston Texans are full of praise for their coach, Gary Kubiak, for taking the team through to the playoff round, coming almost within a game of the American Football Conference (AFC) championship.
The side has overcome their first hurdle in the playoffs by defeating Cincinnati Bengals in their first game by 31 to 10 points.
They ended their 2011 National Football League (NFL) regular season a game short of the AFC championship.
They lost their last game against their hosts, Baltimore Ravens, and in spite of the loss, the team’s owner, Bob McNair, has spoken highly of his coach’s performance.
"I told him how proud I was. To come out and play the way this team has played, I think it's just remarkable," McNair said.
"Where would New England have been if (Tom) Brady wasn't playing, and if Wes Welker wasn't playing, and if their best defensive player wasn't playing? Go down the list of any of these teams and ask where they would be - and they wouldn't be in the playoffs.
And this team was in the playoffs."
It is for the first time that Texans made it to playoff by finishing atop the AFC South with a league score of 10-6, wins and losses respectively.
They have also for the first time in their franchise history won the AFC South division title.
Furthermore, in their very first attempt beat the Cincinnati Bengals to be through the second round.
Finally, Ravens, who had the home-ground advantage and most importantly playoff playing experience of three years, ended Texans' run.
Unfortunate for Texans, they were only a game away to the championship.
The team management has still welcomed the team’s performance in the regular season and then in the first playoff game. All the credit is apparently being given to their coach, Kubiak, who in spite of many problems on the injury front helped the side to
achieve so much.
Both the players and coach have already been hailed as heroes in the Texans on their return as the AFC South champions and playoff newbies, earlier. The city had gone on a spree of celebrations for what they had achieved in first time in their franchise
The Texans 2011 run is significant given that the side has been facing a number of injuries problems. It is still thin at quarterback position despite that it has signed three QBs, promoted one rookie and waived off one.
In spite of the absence their star QBs, Matt Schaub and Matt Leinart; they managed well to sustain their on-field performance during each game. They successfully fought off the minnows tag and in many cases performed better than other teams, who are ahead
of them on the league’s rating table.



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