
How, & why would [do] radical environmentalists push their agenda through fear of global warming?

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what IS the agenda of radical environmentalists?

how would they use the global warming issue to push their agenda (after you tell me exactly what their agenda is)?

why do they have this agenda, i.e., what does it do for them? does it make them make more money? does it get them more political power which then would lead to them getting more money for themselves?

when did their agenda being in the usa? why?

i do not want a rant or your subjective opinions (but you can tell me them if you can back them up). i want an objective explanation so i can understand the radical environmentalists' "agenda."




  1. You've just answered your own question. $$$$

  2. they really like to eat ice cream, and if they can create global cooling and make the world freeze, they can have all the  Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream they want! Yum!

  3. What do you mean by radical environmentalists ? anyone trying to save environment is good even if its at the expense of something perceived to cause development.

    Humans are not mature enough to assess the full long term impact of many of their technologies.

    We are using new technologies like teenagers taking new drugs and getting a high everytime and thinking thats the best thing invented. They will only know the after effects when they grow older.

  4. The agenda is to tax the shat of high output countries like usa with carbon taxes in order to hamper their enonomy enough to make the socialist countries able to compete in the global market place. Socialsts want an enforced Utopia, a la  Animal Farm, 1984, or Brave New World, you name it. All of those stories end badly.

    Hey vegan, you dont get it. Socialism as we know it in Europe today is about 1 step away from the communism Orwell was describing. Pull your head out. The UN , Gore and all the other GW nuts,  are making a concerted effort to tax the 1st world down to the 3rd, redistribute world wealth, and legislate equality. You can call it Animal Farm, you can call it Anthem, but we dont want it. I'm going to get in my hummer and go to in and out burger now. You can shove your GW religon up your as s, and read a book not supplied to you by your professor.

  5. I asked this a week ago, and didn't get any straight answers either. You know why? cause "radical liberal eco n***s" HAVE no agenda. their agenda is simply to better the environment.

    The only answer that even came close to being a straight answer was Johnny U's But thats such a fairy tale. These people live in this country too. Jeese, NO wants wants to believe 9/11 conspiracies, or assasination conspiracies or corporate takeover conspiracies, but they hop right on this one.

    The simple truth is that these people make up conspiracies, agendas and debate because they simply don't give a d**n about the planet and they don't WANT to. There will NEVER be enough proof for them to change, there will NEVER be an "acceptable" fuel to replace oil. they simply. don't. care. period

  6. Because they are brainless t**d muffins.  They think you won't figure out that the earth fixes itself automatically, and that the earth is always heating up, and cooling down.

  7. Hmm, I don't know what our agenda is but what I DO know for certain is the agenda of oil companies like ExxonMobil who lobby the government with bogus junk-science reports is to make as much profit as possible at the expense of the human or environmental cost and that 99% of the scientific community agree that global warming is something that is affecting the world today.

    @Johnny U, you're an idiot. Animal Farm and 1984 were both written by a socialist.

  8. Don't believe them, it's a lot of hot air.

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