
How 2 Stay On This Path?

by Guest62146  |  earlier

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Plse help. A new Muslim, convert from Catholicism 2 Islam (4mnths ago).50% 2B true 2 man I love in marriage & not 2 compromise him & 50% 4 myself. missing God from my life 4 long time & from signs I felt & saw hearing his words " & when u take step towards me, I come running to u" &the love that grew 4 Islam in me from time learning at mosque. Now my love is leaving my life f4ever. I am totally broken.Lost.He's torn & has chosen 2 stay with his 1st family & that 2nd marriage is not best 4 them. Apart from consuming heartache I feel he has abandoned me, Im so mixed up with my prayers & reading. Im not yet keeping every prayer & my imam is weak but definitely there.




  1. well life doesn't stop on a man, be a bit tough and use your brain sister not your heart, think about problems you might face if you get married with him, and thank Allah (swt) for his blessing.

    "...but it may happen that ye hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that ye love a thing which is bad for you. Allah knoweth, ye know not." (2:216)

  2. I suggest you go speak to one of the Imaam's at the Masjid.

    I suggest you contact the people at and ask them for some materials to listen to.

    Or you can listen to some lectures about staying firm upon this Path at or

  3. Allah has created the ultimate healer, which is not a medicide or a prescription. It is a miracle he has blessed us with that supresses pain and heartache. Time. In time, wounds heal and hearts fix. Sis, this is your test from Allah remember this. You now have a chance to make that other 50% of your faith your own, a chance to find Allah by yourself and a way to grow to love this faith that Allah has blessed you with. It seems to me as if this man has conned you, but don't be sad. This man has left you but Allah is constant, he will never leave you, remember that. Dont let this cruch your faith, let this be a chance to strengthen it. Look for a husband worthy of your love and one who you can learn and grow with InshaAllah. Remeber all is from Allah, so take this as a blessing in disguse, take the positive from negative becuase you don't know what Allah has planned you you. Be patient and time will heal it.  

  4. You should center in on the five pillars (Testimony of Faith, Prayer, Fasting, Hajj, and Zakat.) and ask Allah for guidance and mercy.  The choice to submit to Allah in peaceful obedience is yours alone.  May Allah guide you and enlighten you with knowledge of Islam.  Allah  knows best!

  5. Being alone is a very difficult situation. Try your maximum to get some good muslims as friends, make contact with your nearest muslim communities. I pray someone there will be to help you. many people passing and passed through same situation. may Allah provide you Patience to overcome the present difficulties.

  6. Just keep on praying, and remember god always. Anything that you like may not be good for you, and anything that you dislike , sometimes is good for you. God knows best what is good for mankind.

  7. Muslim males consider lying and cheating non Muslim females a macho deal which increases their image among other scum balls.

    They some how think this a talent which wins them great admiration in their circles.

    Warn other females.

  8. ignore the first answer  he is not Muslim he is stupid troll !

    the second Answer from Abul Haarith is good

    May Allah Protect you.

  9. Human emotions are the same wheather you are white, pink, yellow or black! You seems to be your own enemy!

    In Islam there is no compulsion in faith likewise no 50% compromise in trust. European love style is not acceptable in Muslim society.

    I reject Slayers un-Islamic attitude!

    I have to accept you a Muslima untill you claim to be in Islam - it all between you and your Allah. You cannot cheat Allah!

    Islam has given equal rights to 1st and 2nd wife. It is your behaviour and sincerety which may bring happyness within the family. Prayers need 100% sincerety for approval which you don't have due to your European styles. There is no compromise between God's will and our wishful desires. You have to select only one!

    Change your mind-set and prove to be worthy of a Muslim family!

    Find some reliable Muslima and discuss your views. But it will make no difference untill you are ready to accept the Will of God!


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