
How 2 cnect a non wifi desktop to a wifi laptop at home for file shearing both are running conectd 2 RT2561?

by  |  earlier

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I have a desktop connected to a wifi router with cable and a wifi laptop running with the same wifi router RT2561 (4 pin) now my question is?

How can i connect both the computers for file shearing.withing the same network help plzzzz?




  1. You can enable file sharing.  Click on My computer on both computers and you should see "shared document" folder.  Right click on that folder and then select Sharing and Security from the menu.  Under Network Sharing click on the check box "share this folder on the network" and type a name which windows will use to identify this folder.

    Once you have done this on both systems, you can drag any items that you want shared into their respective shared folders and the other PC should have access to download anything in that folder.

  2. While I agree on the spelling, I also recognize that not everyone had English as their first language.

    So here is some help. Assuming you are using a Windows Machine on both sides.

    1.  Make sure that both machines are on the same layer 3 network.  Cause they can be connected to the same network device, it does not mean they are on the same subnet.  I am assuming you have a linksys or similar at home device so this should not be the case of multiply networks and all.

    2. Make sure you have sharing enable on both machines you wish to share between.  This is critical as without it nothing will work.

    3. Learn the IP Address of box machines.

    4. On either the laptop or the Desktop, open the network window (My Network Places)

    5. Tools Map Network Drive //IP Address of other Device/Foldier

    Hope this helps.

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