
How 2 compost?

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i just started composting yesterday, i use a normal bucket and so far i have 2 pieces of rotten lettuce, 2 banana peals, the ends of brocolie, and some watermelon rinds. Should i add some dirt?? Should I make some holes in it??? another problem is that it gets to be over 100 degrees here, do i add water??? if so how much??? Any general information about composting will help.






  1. Try here:

  2. yes you want holes in your bucket. small holes, but lots of them.  Dirt will slow the process down. You need some brown matter, like paper, dried leaves, or wood shavings.   Look online for more information on composting, so far your off to a great start.  you have to have a good mixture of 'greens' and 'browns'  it shouldnt be hard to find a list of what falls into each catagory.  the 100 degree heat shouldnt be a problem, heat is good.  you can add some water after you add some of the materials in the brown catagory. but you dont want it too wet, just slightly damp.

  3. Libraries have books on proper composting.

  4. All you need to compost is dirt and worms.  It bothers me to see compost bins above ground with no dirt because frankly that breed fungus, mold and attracts bugs.  Dirt does not slow the process down.  What a crazy idea!

    When you get enough scraps in your bucket and you are ready to compost, you can just bury them in the ground.  If you want to use a bin:  drill holes in it to allow the worms to get in... they will come like magic.  After the holes are drilled, put some dirt in the bin.  Each time you put in scraps, just create a hole in the dirt, dump in the scraps and then cover them.
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