
How 2 deal with difficult customers?

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How 2 deal with difficult customers?




  1. I had an experience one time with a customer, from your part of the world.

    She came to me to buy and I tried to inform her honestly about the product.  Then she shopped somewhere else and was told the opposite of what I said.  So, again I told her how some of that was in error, and repeated myself again.  This went on for about four more times.

    I could not convince her that I was telling her the truth.

    Finally, I said to her, " Mrs.  ________, for some reason, you choose to not believe anything I tell you.  I do not think you can decide where to buy untill you trust someone.  I suggest that you try to find someone that you trust.  Then you will be happy with your purchase."

    I was the owner.  I never saw her again.

    One cannot be everything to everybody.  We can only try.

    We have an old proverb.

    You can fool some of the people all the time

    You can fool all the people some of the time

    You cannot fool all the paople all the time

  2. well always remember customers always right be polite

  3. Good question. I'd say, one of the main points is to try to understand them. Why they are difficult ?

    Perhaps you are selling cameras (only an example) and a customer has had bad experience with the last buy. So he might be angry and "difficult" from the beginning.

    Communication is the key. Try to be the psychoanalyst ;-) Really, let them speak, animate them to tell stories.

  4. Here is a book that allows you a different perspective:

  5. First, apologize.  Say " I'm sorry this happened and I'm sorry this has upset you".

    Then ask, "What can we do to resolve this problem to your satisfaction?"

    Then, do it!

  6. Kill em with kindness; that's liable to p**s them off more than being mean back to them.

  7. Be extra nice to them.  Try to see their point of view. Listen to what they have to say. If you can't resolve their problem, try to find someone else who can.

    Chances are that if you are nice they will not be so difficult.  If they continue to be difficult, realize that it is not about you and don't take it personally.

  8. Just smile and speak calmly this REALLY winds them up, and you'll come off as the better person!

  9. the best you can, remaining calm and diplomatic.  If all else fails, call the manager in to help, but it's best if you can handle them yourself.

  10. kill

  11. Customer always right from their view, but it's not always the truth from our view, we have to convince them in a diplomatic way by offer them something to cover something, it's just give and take policy..

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