
How 2 lose 105 lbs b4 2009?

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Well, i'm 13 and overweight..i really want 2 lose weight i'm getting tired of being called names at school..i hear that water helps you lose weight and curb what else can i do i want to start on August 24..HELP ME...really need it..tell me anything related to it..Exercise..I really want to lose a lot of weight before January the 15 of '09 at least!!




  1. If you can buy a cheap treadmill then do! I'll leave u a link for the treadmill that i have. Only eat negative calories because they NEVER make you gain weight, they actually make u lose 2 times as much as u usually would. And use the treadmill at least 1 time every day, Even if its only for 10 minutes a day, i used to use mine 15 minutes a day.

    Good luck, if you have any more questions then email me on yahoo or add my Msn


    that's 7 stone 5 you want to lose i think.. i recon you would defo be able to lose it ALL good luck xx

  2. well for me i just ate half, 1 bowl of cereal in the morning, but i have to get up in the morning at 4:30. and at night, around 4-5 a small portion of what ever. to make your self stuff so fast and not really eating any thing is to Drink 2 glasses of water and eat a candy bar.hope this helps

  3. two ways.

    1. run every morning about an hour.

    . EAT LIGHT FOOD, thats the best way. if run and u eat less colories ur good to go.

  4. well,eat heathy. Like eat some cerel for breakfest and a salad for lunch and for dinner some fruit.And ride your bike!!!That will get you some where

  5. In the words of Mr T. himself, just eat less and exercise more.

  6. Stop eating c**p and start jogging. Anything else does not work.

  7. 105 lbs is a lot to loose, you should really talk to a doctor

    drinking lots of water and green tea will help

    also, cut out all fast-food and sodas, and sweets

    try to eat a lot of vegetables

    try Not to eat foods with fats

    and exercise as much as you can

    Good Luck!

  8. well, for starters, exercise and don't starve your self. eat low calories food and drink lots of water. stay away from dairy products and start feeling good about your self. instead of 3 main meals a day have 8 short easy snacks consisting of healthy food groups, stay away from fat and Oils and sweet. stretch after eating and take part in 6 servings of veges and fruits a day and join a gym club or dancing club.

    buy a trampoline-jumping for 5 Min's on a trampo is like taking a 30 minute jog...stay away from the coach and for starters start testing your stamina by doing a series of exercises. you can search some up on the web,

    good luck, oh and why january 15, and that's a lot of wieght to lose, how much do you wiegh>?

  9. I'm thinking that's something you might want to talk to a doctor about.  The fact that you're only 13 I think really complicates things (normal means of weight loss may not be good for you), thus they would know what'd be best (although obviously exercise doesn't hurt).

  10. OK fatty.  Listen up.  Cardio.  At least 30 minutes of a sustained elevated heart rate per day.  Nothing too intense to start, you should be able to go for the full 30 minutes.  I would recommend walking to start.

    A bike.  You're 13.  You must have a bike.  Ride it.  A lot.  Everywhere you go, every chance you get.  Get your ipod and blast that Jonas Brothers or Hannah Montana or whatever floats your boat and ride your bike.  

    Fruits.  Vegetables.  Lots of them.  Eat 5 or 6 small, emphasis on small, meals per day.  Eat something right when you get up, but not within three hours of going to bed.  Eat something every 2 to 3 hours during the day.  

    That should get you started.  You might also consider some light strength training to increase muscle mass, it's your body's natural meteabolism booster.

  11. theres no way you can lose 105 pounds before 2009 with out surgery

    just take it slow it might take a year or 2 before you lose that much

  12. It's impossible.

  13. you can probably lose about 50 pounds by then with a diet and excersise plan... the treadmill is great for cardio lots of water and tunafish and wheatbread grilled not fried and bfast is the most important meal of the day to keep ur energy up cerael oatmeal is strongly recomended.. walking instead of riding the bus or car.. jogging is a plus and not over eating...dancing around ur house is also strongly recomended is burns alot of calories.. u have to be into it to do it... goodluck!!

  14. First thing you do is see your doctor. Make sure that there are no underlying problems. And he can tell you the best way to diet.

  15. i lost over 165 lbs in less than 2 months! i stopped showering, shaving, and changing my clothes or brushing my teeth. i drank 24/7, and started chain smoking cheap cigars. all i watched was p**n on he living room t.v, and only ate mexican food, beans, burrittoos etc, passing wind freely and frequently and asking my famiily to rate the farts on noise and odour. let a few of my ex con friends move in and partied with bikers. in less than 2 months that 165 pound cow i called a wife was gone. i sued her for divorce on the grounds of abandonment, took her for alimony!mwahahahahahaha!

  16. just get a diet plan like nutrasystem.

  17. 105 lbs. is alot to loose by jan. So tog et u started, i would say...Get a membership at  a local gym and go 5 days a week.

      RUN for a half an hour or more every morning. running is very good for your  metabolisim and burns alot of calories.

    Drink plenty of water drink 3 or more bottels a day.

    Don't eat as much food and eat healthier.

    You see im a vegetarian and i didn't do it to loose weight i did it for the animals and i lost alot of weight. so eat more veggies and less red meat. Eat fish 2wice a week it has alot of nutrients in it.

    i know all of this stuff is wicked hard, but you can loose alot of weight.

    so good luck!!!

  18. Well the very first thing is CONGRATULATIONS! You've taken the hardest and most important step. You've decided to do something about your weight.

    The next step is changing your diet. You should not, under any circumstances, go on any kind of crash or fad diet. They never work for more than a month, and they are very bad for your health. What you need to do is change your lifestyle. You need to change your relationship with food, and your attitude about food.

    Food is fuel for you body. Yes, it brings us pleasure, but you need to realize that healthy food will bring you pleasure too. It will taste great if you're actually hungry.

    You need to count your calories so you know how much you're eating. You should try to restrict your caloric intake to 1800 calories a day.

    You should eat 5-6 small meals a day. You should cut out bread and pasta and wheat-based carbs. You can eat carbs in the form of vegetables and fruits. Veggies are your friends. You can eat a lot of veggies and fill yourself up, and they are low in calories. You need to be sure that you aren't eating salad dressing or high fat/high calorie dips for you veggies. Don't use butter on your veggies either. Eat them plain, or try a little garlic powder on them. Use one tablespoon of a fat free low calorie dressing on your salad, if you must.

    Eat a lot of lean protein, like canned tuna, non-fried fish (baked salmon, or bass, etc.) Skinless chicken breast, lunch meats like ham and turkey are really healthy. No cheese, no cookies, nothing fried, no fast foods, no prepackaged and processed foods. You can do this, I promise. At first it seems hard, but you'll start seeing major results and then you'll love it!! You'll drop weight so fast your head will spin!

    No soda! Bring an apple to school for a snack, and a baggie of lunchmeat. You can bring a tupperware with a can of tuna and some mustard all mixed up and a fork. Bring a salad to school, or a sanwich baggie full of carrots or broccoli.

    Drink lots of water too, that does help you, and it's good for you. Drink 1 or 2 glasses of 2% or 1% milk, or have a fat free yogurt, but don't have more than 2 types of dairy per day, and no cheese.

    Ok-as far as exercise, you should not run. It will be too hard on your joints. You can try running when you've lost most of the weight, but right now you're too heavy and you could cause permanent damage to your knees, ankles, hips, and feet. It isn't worth it.

    Walk daily for an hour, or ride a bicycle for an hour. If you can get to a gym you can use the eliptical machine for an hour. Do something daily. Don't worry about weights or sit ups, etc just yet. Focus on your diet and an hour of low impact cardio a day (even on the weekends) and you will start seeing major results. I promise!

    If you can, you should schedule a physical with your doctor right away. You need to talk to your doctor about your new diet and exercise plan, to be sure that you are healthy enough to do this. If you have any major illnesses or disabilities, you need to talk to your doc to make sure you aren't going to hurt yourself!!

    Good luck to you sweetie, and soon you're gonna be so happy and healthy!!

  19. I'm assuming you know the basics and have tried it... exercise and lowering intake... here the skinny (pun intended).

    the only way to lose weight fast, and i mean only way (trust me, i've tried many diets and different ways of life) is straight up veganism. I know that a lot of people will be like, blah blah you hippie.

    But i kid you not, it works. It takes a lot of extra planning, but cutting all meat and dairy, getting the nutrients from other sources like nuts and make sure you get a multivitamin. I have lost quite a bit of fat in only 4 weeks that i have been on it, and my cousins are on it and they are really thin and healthy. You can also look up 10% fat diet.

    Here is how it works, the fat in your body is surprisingly... fat. Not sure human fat, but animal fat. You can think of this like back in the old days of tribes, they would eat meat to store up fat for the winter, and then eat the plants during the spring and summer. Well we dont really need to store fat for winter anymore, so there isn't a need to eat meat anymore. Your body is storing that fat.

    On a vegan diet, without changing exercise, you can expect 2 lbs per week weight loss until you are at the ideal body weight. The key thing is to make sure you get all your vitamins, and take your bodyweight and times it by 10, that is how many calories it AT LEAST needs. So lets say you weight 250 pounds, you need to eat 2500 calories A DAY. This isn't that hard to do, but make sure you are getting them from plant sources. And stay away from anything processed. Look for whole grain products.

    edit: i forgot to mention, there is no such thing as a low fat / low calorie food. All they do is add weight, seeing how 99% fat free means just that 99% of the WEIGHT is not fat, but it can still be as high as 50%+ fat by volume. Take milk for example, 2% fat. It is actually 48% fat by volume. If you drink 2 cups of milk, you just drank 1 cup of water and 1 cup of fat.

    The way you tell is look at the calories in the product, look at the calories from fat. Only 10% of the calories should come from fat. So if it reads 20 calories, it should read only 2 calories from fat. If it reads more, it means they put in something heavy to trick you into thinking it is low fat food.

    You can search google and find out lots of people who used to work for food industry that can explain how and why they did this. To ruin the ending, it is for money of people who are looking to lose weight.

  20. I recommend getting in your bike and finding a forest preserve or long stretches of roads to go on.  I biked 40 miles last week and lost 7 pounds, and it was completely enjoyable.  Water does help, it helps with anything and everything and you should be getting a LOT in the day.  Also, I lost about 10 pounds in my first month of switching to vegetarianism.  Don't be hard on yourself if you don't lose it all at once or in your time slot that you want, a little bit here and there really adds up.  

    I wish you well!   I know what you're going through, too.  

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