
How 2 overcome stage fear..????

by  |  earlier

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plz help i get vry nervous on stages...i culdnt even speak eng properly,i get a lotta fear like thing...plz do help by solutions nd links

thanks 4 yr answers...:)




  1. dnt b a wimp and get scared

  2. you could try the method below-also look on  youtube  ,type in EFT technique for instructions

  3. focus on something that makes you feel secure,don't make eye contact or if you do focus in one eye and prepare yourself  practicing , and opinions are just opinions they don't define you or who gives them. People barely practice what they preach so nobody has the right to judge you and if they do(as expected)they are probably less daring than you are.

  4. dont do anything just think the audience is a looser and none of them has the potential to perform or even stand like you on the stage.....

    think about your friends and remember all the praises you have got for your work....none of them is an idiot to praise you for nothing and concentrate on the advices you have received...they are for good and just mutter slowly"dear god,all depends on you now"

    you'll feel the difference

  5. Talk / speak to the audience as if u r speaking to urself.

  6. Well personally, I'm pretty scared of standing in front of people and talking too!  What helps me is that I always think to myself when I stand up in front of them, "I'm only human, I'm not going to make a fool out of myself trying to be perfect.  And besides, I don't care what other people think, I'm doing this for me, myself, and nobody can stand in my way,"  Also I always when doing a presentation, I have something in my hand that I can squeeze, like prestic.  I know it sounds silly but it works for me.  It also helps to have "keywords" or to really know your lines well.  Also, when talking, I always either look at someone I know and trust (who won't make me laugh) or I look at something (eg. a poster on the wall, or the clock at the back of the room).  Hope this helps!

  7. imagine the audience as empty coaches.. and just focus on what ure saying

  8. it's all in your head..remember that then psyc uself up!

  9. Google "Toast Masters".

    Great workshop to eliminate your stage fright.

  10. Meet it head-on. After a while, it won't seem so... "menacing."

  11. Are you acting or public speaking? It is different.

    You get nervous because people are looking and listening to you. Believe it or not, but many actors are very shy in a one to one situation. They can perform on stage because they are not being themselves. They hide their own personality and become the person in the play or story. Look into the eyes of whomever you are speaking your lines to-believe you are talking to just them.

    Public speaking is harder because you are being yourself. That old adage to think of everyone in their underwear doesn't work, because you are still thinking of the audience. Best thing is to chose several points in the back, preferably in different areas of the theater or auditorium, like a clock, an exit door, a light switch and speak to them. First it will encourage you to project your voice so it can be heard in the back. Then if you change where you are looking and don't stare at one place, it looks like you are including all points of the audience. If giving a speech make notes in the margins (look up) (smile) (look stern) whatever fits that part of your speech. Have one friend you can trust in the audience and occasionally look at them directly. Eventually, with experience, you will be able to capture the eyes of strange listeners and be relaxed to speak to your audience  

  12. well i got rid of stage fright by doing more public speaking that i normaly did  

  13. dont prepare hard, take it easy on stage be friendly with the audience talk fluently as if you were with your friends and thts all !!!

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