
How 2 pierce my ear myself?

by  |  earlier

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I have tried 2 pierce my ear myself and i cannot just put a stud through it lol and i have tried 2 put a needle through it and i ***** get it through the back bit of my ear ! Any tips on how 2 do it??




  1. errrrrrrrrr gross dont do that!  

  2. jack

  3. I have no tips other than STOP.  Go to a professional.  You could get a horrible infection because it sounds like you don't know a whole lot about what you're doing.

  4. I would go and see someone who knows how to do it as it will get infected and might bleed. Plus don't put a safety clip through as a lot of blood and pain comes from it.

    It's me

  5. don't, your mess your ears up and I doubt your be able to make it look good, go to your beautician that has full qualifications, I got my ears pierced when I was 9 at my local Claire's I think you need your parent/guardian with you if you are under 16. I have had no problems and I think you could infect your ears if you did it yourself plus it would really hurt. It only costs around £20 I think.

  6. Ok, piercing your ears yourself is not a good idea! You could get all types of infections, and you could get really, really hurt. Plus it looks better if you get it done by someone more experiance. If you live in the U.S.,go t the mall and go to Claires. They can pierce your ears for free, and you have to buy the ear rings but they cost like 5 dollars.

  7. It depends on your pain tolerance.  Back when I was too young to get my ears done professionally without mom signing off on it (which was not going to happen!) I used to just push the earrings through.  If you get a stud, you should be able to poke it through.  It sounds a lot worse than it is.  Don't bother with a needle first because your ear swells around the needle and its hard to get it out, plus its like doing the piercing 2x!

    Make sure you soak everything in alcohol first, including rubbing some on your ear.  

    You can also get D-I-Y piercing things at Sally's.  

    From personal failures, I have to remind you to make sure the holes are straight and lined up. :)  

  8. heat up the pin first then shove it through your ear. like scalding hot

  9. Go to someone (clean/aseptic/hygienic) who knows how to pierce ears.  Infections aren't fun things to deal with.

  10. make sure you have a sterile needle and a clean new stud. put a cork on the back of your ear so you have something to push against.

    or get a friend to help you.

    it might bled if you do it wrong.

    its not that expensive to get it done professionally especially if you find a trainee beautician to 'practise' on you.

  11. The best way to do it is to go somewhere and get it done, its not very expensive and will make sure u don't get any infections and get a totally mucked up piercing which then later on u would regret

  12. first put ice on it then get a pin or sharp needle leave it in boiling water for 2 mins then just shove it straight through keep it clean with warm salt water

  13. piercing yourself will hurt.

    it's long and painful- i know, i tried it last year and ended up with a half pierced year.

    go to a piercing studio or at least to claire's cause then it will be quick and painless.


  15. Go to claires. Your ear will get infected and you will end up allergic to a metal

  16. Ok, I know this will be unpopular, but I have pierced my ears myself a number of times, ok, like 13 times.  Yes, it hurts.  You just take a sharp safety pin, heat it up over a flame, wipe it with alcohol after it cools down and VERY FIRMLY push it through.  It is hard to get it through the back, but push hard.  Let it sit for a few minutes, then take it out and put a stud through.  I usually soak the stud in alcohol while I'm piercing my ear, take it out of the alcohol and put it right in my ear.  It's safer to get it done professionally, but when your impulsive and it's 2 am and you want to pierce your ear, there isn't much else you can do.

  17. Dont hurt urself at home!! And claires costs u like 50 dollars for ear pierce only. But if ur in new york go to flushing and mainstreet and theres a jewlery store that pierces it professionaly for only 5 bucks and they even give u a free pair of silver earrings!

  18. Don't pierce them yourself- you're begging for an infection and lopsided holes.

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