
How 2 teach the kids..(age 3 to 6)?/ in a play way method.....i wanna really intrest them...plzzz?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I think (from your description) you want to specifically make this about play.  Hoooray!!!  The ages you have are little scientists who want to be intrinsic and try things out. Play that is "child centered," instead of teacher centered, offers so many incredible developmental benefits.  Have something that allows them to have control of the activity by not having something that has a lot of rules imposed by you.  Of course the obvious (language, touching, sharing etc.) but avoid play that has rules simply for the sake of the game.  What will "interest" them will be what interests you.  A forum where they can be empowered to discover in a way that is unique to them.  There are many many activities that do this.  One example would be to have some sort of manipulative ( play-dough, blocks, sand, water etc. ) with props that might compliment these ( cups/bowls, strainers, rolling pins cookie cutters etc)  Put these out and stay out of the way except to model to them about what you expect within the community.  You could even introduce something with no clear connection and see how they problem solve and explore. (having some pieces of string, turkey basters, pumpkin carving knives, etc.) You will be empowered for coming up with ideas to have out for experimentation that would be age appropriate.  This will be fun for you too ......your enthusiasm will set a vibe.  There are many things like this. I propose as you think of this example that you could think of many more that would be amazing.

  2. Take turns teaching them and letting them teach you.  Spend 15-20 minutes a day (especially with the little one because their attention will not last long) teaching them what ever it is you want them to learn.  After a day or two, let them "teach" you.  Guess wrong on some of them and see if they correct you.  Then you will know if they understand or not.

  3. What exactly do you want to teach them?

  4. if ur teaching them their name u can make it fun by telling them ok first we are going to earn how to write our names and if they get the hang of it and are a good class then make an activity out of it or while teaching them play a game turn stuff into things that kids like my cousin just went into preschool and she cant stop talking about how fun it is even with out activities and games...MAKE SURE U HAVE CENTER TIME OR PLAY LOVE <3 it!!!!!!!!

  5. The only way I can answer this is that children in this age group learn through play. This includes everything from music, blocks, art and dramatic play with dress up clothes etc. Keep their interests by changing the supplies for each area and allow them to try things and not have to always be right.

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