
How' did your pomeranian react to your newborn?

by Guest57800  |  earlier

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I'm currently six months pregnant, and I have a five month old pomeranian. And I don't know how she is going to react to my newborn when it is time to bring my baby home. I was hoping someone who had this kind of experience would give me some tips and advice on how to discipline my dog to behave and to be MORE loving towards this little creature! =]




  1. well i don't have a pomeranian but i had a similar situation. my dog was a puppy when i was pregnant and she was the baby. she is half dachshund and half yorkie. so she is a little hyper princess puppy who could not stand it if we pet our cat or other dog instead of her. i dreaded bringing home our newborn i was sooo worried about having problems. but when we brought him home and laid him on the bed she jumped up there but then crawled on her belly toward him. ever since then she is very careful around him and protective of him. she likes to l**k his toes. she seems to know he is fragile and waits her turn for her attention. she seems so much more mature, like she thinks he is her little brother. i was worried about nothing. i have never even had to tell her no around him.

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