
How 'bout them Cowboys

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I thought it is illegal for known felons to associate with known felons.

That being said how are the cowboys going to feild a team?




  1. Fact: Cowboys fans are unable to spot abnormalities within their own kind.  

    Once a player is a Cowboy, he is the greatest player ever.  So what us normal people might refer to as "felons" or "criminals" or "team cancers" or "backup running back" (Marion Barber) or "unable to outrun a turtle" (Roy Williams), Cowboys fans refer to as "obviously the greatest of all time."

  2. Who else is a known felon on the Cowboys starting team?

    I didnt realize Irivin and Nate Newton came out of retirement to play?

  3. great point! but that is cinciniati...not a giants fan and i have nothing but respect for pacman...very rare a guy is suspended and whatnot, yet never found guilty of a single crime

  4. LOL....That's a good question. I guess they are hoping Pac Man can stay away from all the nudie bars there in Dallas
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