
How 'green' are you? What is the furthest you have taken it in order to save the environment?

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I find it hard to remember to take old carrier bags with me to buy new goods.

I also throw out food I bought and didn't get around to eating.

Do others have the same problems trying to be green or am I really bad?

I think I am virtually untrainable!!!




  1. I've stopped dumping my used motor oil into storm drains.

    Now I mix it up with Kerosine and use it as a weed killer.

  2. I use boxes at the supermarket.

    I recycle all glass, paper etc

    I give old clothes to oxfam etc

    Today i cycled to work 12m there and 12m back.

    I do not use air con in my car.

    I have dimmers on most of my lights.

    i unplug TV video etc at night and leave nothing on standby.

    I grow some of my own vegetables.

    I do not feel richer or better off for any of the above.

  3. I go outside and s**t on my lawn.

  4. I recycle just about everything I can, I reuse plastic bags when I remember to take them with me and I don't drive. We do throw away more food than we should though, but we are trying harder not too.

  5. I'm not very green either.  I do manage to recylcle my wine bottles and beer cans, but I don't with food tins ~ I forget and chuck em into the bin.

    I never take my bag for life out either, despite having loads.

    I eat out of date food though ~ I hate the waste.

  6. I have an evening job in a little supermarket. I have been there 7 years now, but my boss had to "have a word" with me the other night for losing my rag with a customer over the use of carrier bags.

    It's always the same irresponsible people who come in every night for the same items, (usually booze) and I say to them every night when I give them a fresh carrier bag "bring it back tomorrow, and re-use it." There's one guy who buys just 1 can of beer at a time, but comes in 5-6 times a night, and takes a carrier bag each time he comes in. I lost my temper with him, and refused to give him his 4th carrier of the evening. He reported me to my boss, and I was given a warning, even though my boss, who is a small trader is paying £30-00 a thousand for the bags. He told me that he would rather lose 15-20p a night in bags, than lose the customer to the bigger CO-OP down the road, which is true, but it doesn't help the environment does it? I risk my job, but then I think about how much fuel is used just to discover if there is life on Mars, and wonder, is it worth it???

  7. i am an alien so i am naturally green.

  8. As green as I've always been which is pretty green. When I was a kid nothing was wasted, bottles were returned, the rag & bone man collected anything, newspapers went to the fish & chip shop, etc. Green is nothing new.

  9. I took out my oil central heating and installed a wood chip pellet system.The pellets are a bi-product of the timber industry.I put in double glazing.Changed from petrol to deisel.I re use and recycle and never use plastic bags.I would recover a chair or sofa rather than replace it.I grow my own organic veg.I'm trying.

  10. You just sound normal. I personally have taken to biking to college-4 miles each way instead of taking car, but thats more because its enjoyable. I recycle what I can and reuse bags. Thats about it m'fraid

    Oh and we have chickens, cats and dogs-so food is always eaten ^^

  11. I always bring old bags when shoping, I don't drive, i always recylcle everything, i give unwanted food to my cats/birds

  12. I reduce, reuse and recycle as much as I can in a family household!

    My partner gets a bit pissy about the reuse part as I'm forever hoarding plastic yoghurt pots (to use for growing on seedlings), glass jars (for storage), sturdy shopping bags (for shopping!) and so forth...

  13. if the weather is pleasant,i walk to the corner shop to buy my beer

  14. lol.

    see the thing is in every aspect of my life I'm pretty extreme.

    So if I'm angry, I'm livid. If I'm happy I'm hypo.

    You get the drift.

    One time I had gotten in an argument with someone who believed global warming wasn't an issue. He pointed out all te things I did against te environment and that I couldn't preach and not be hypocritical. That that was impossible.

    I have to prove him wrong of course.

    So in the day it took me to cool off I walk 23km to the city from my house and cancelled my mobile plan. Went around unplugging everything in my house etc.

    Yeah I eventually calmed down, lol.

    I do the same as most of you now^^^lol.

  15. i always take my "green" bag to the supermarket, i feed leftover bread etc. to the sheep, and i walk everywhere, have no choice...i dont drive. but thats about it.

  16. Quite green

    changes made in order of C)2 savings:-

    Stopped flying long-haul for holidays and only go short haul for a 2 weeks once a year (no flying for weekends breaks)

    swapped 4*4 for a Toyota prius.

    change all lights for energy efficient ones

    only buy A or A* rated appliances

    have nothing on standby

    gone vegetarian

    insulated house to extreme

    reuse cloth carriers all time

    walk whenever possible

    make food from scratch with raw ingredients

    shower instead of bath with water saving aerating head

    change over to green electric from wind/hydro

    recycle everything I can and don't buy where possible unless packing is recyclable.

    all of this is pretty easy and has actually made life easier.

  17. lol@gander !!

    well im not that green i must admit , i put food in recyling and use newspaper for my guinea pigs bedding that s all really.

  18. i wouldn't worry about the environment.... its the governments jobs...all these factories, the war over natural resources which infact uses up more of the natural resource to fly the planes, drive all the hundreds of jeeps around, yada yada yada...

    quite frankly the worlds ****** because of power already... greed is what the world needs to conquer before pollution

  19. i walk a lot, use a cloth carry bag...i abhor plastic bags & try to recycle all i can. its can be fun if you have the time to be creative!

    Try it QBF...its a habit that will grow on you...

  20. Well this is a hard question.

    -No, i wouldnt bring old carrier bags out with me.

    -Yes, i do eat all my food up to save binning it

    -Yes, i recycle

    -Yes, i always turn off my lights.

    -No, i dont use my washing machine once a day (i use it more)

    So, i guess, im a little eco friendly!

    Just gotta get better eh?

    If you have seen the film 'the day after tomorrow' you may want to become eco friendly more. Cos thats a scary film of what could happen to the world, but it may or may not happen.

    But i do think i also need to become more 'green'

    hope this helps :)

  21. What's the furthest away from green you could be?

    Whatever it is that's me

    I never reuse plastic bags, I know I should but I never remember to

    I don't recycle because I have to share a wheelie bin with about 14 other families

    I'm terrible at buying food but never get around to cooking it so it always end up in the bin

    I drive everywhere

    hmmmm anything else I could add to the list?

    I'm going to h**l ain't i

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