
How's life being in the US army?

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My bff suddenly decided to join the US Army. He assured me that he will not be sent into battle but i was lost when he said that they were taught how to throw a grenade. Why did he need to know how to do that if he's not going to be sent to battle?

He's a pharmacist and used to serve the US Navy already.

With how things are at Iraq and Bush's extravagant usage of the US Armforce, I can't help but worry so much about my bff.

Can anyone help me? I badly need any info that would reassure me that there isnt indeed anything for me to worry about.

Do i or don't i?




  1. the army does train you on rifles, heavy equipment, yes even hand grenades, its all normal training, but the facts are that in todays military, you always have a chance of being deployed to araq, afganastan, where ever you are needed- or he may never go- so dont worry about it

  2. I agree with chefknif . The media only reports all the bad stuff never the good stuff I been over in Iraq 3 times and im still here safe and sane. So you shouldnt worry much just leave it in Gods hands. Oh and the Grenade training is just for self defense  

  3. my newphew is in the national guard and they told him they wouldnt need him well he got married and had a baby and 4 day after the baby was born they shipped him out his wife is know alone its there first baby what do you think


  4. Depending on which branch they joined, I'm under the impression that anytime you join, there is a risk of being called to duty. My husband is in the National Guard and has been for 6 years and hasn't been called to a combat zone until now. He went for border patrol in Mexico and for Hurricane Katrina relief but never a combat zone until now and he leave at the beginning of the year 2009. Depending on the situation, I wouldn't worry. You will only stress yourself and your relationship. Accept that this is what he wants to do and support him.  

  5. Basic is basic, you learn to be Army 1st than go where ever you can and or are needed. I jouned the Army at BS. Did 4 years Navy. 18-23 years old. ( the math is right, 19 in bootcamp) Basic is more or the same, you become that branch.

  6. oh please, I was a printer for ten years in the army and was in kuwait during enduring freedom and never saw combat, butin basic trainign they taught us how to use a knife on the end of our weapons to kill the enemy and how to use the weopon as a devise to hit the enemy over the head if we ran out of ammo and how to throw a gernade, this is called basic soldier skill, just incase...but never did I have ti use them and in my unit, we always did an FTX and had to get up early to wait for an enemy that never came and even in the reserves we did a night move and I never saw Desert Storm then and I use to ruck for six miles with 55 pounds on my back for two hours and never needed to be that physically fit, it was to psych us out becuase I was in psyops.

    You have to know the basic skills, just incase you get attacked here in the US, right on US soil, liek pearl Harbor, and hopefully that won;t happen again in a long time.

  7. It sucks ill tell you that much the military always tells you how good it is and they convince you and pressure you into signing but they never tell you the bad side of it plus the pay sucks

  8. Well, he has joined the Army and must serve in whatever capacity that the Army needs him.  I will be going to Iraq myself and I am not worried.  You have to remember that the media only reports deaths and losses, they are not reporting the good things that are happening over there.  Also, the statistics are actually very low.  Don't worry and just support him and be there for him.  He'll be back before you know it!

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