First Stage
-If I am under 4 cm dilated when I arrive, I would like to be sent home. If I am at least 4 cm dilated, I would like my pool to be set up.
-I want to enter the pool at about 5 ½ cm dilation.
-Please keep the room as calm as possible (dim lights, quiet atmosphere, minimal visitors).
-I would like to be able to wear my own clothes and move around as I wish.
-Do not offer me pain medication, but feel free to offer tips for natural pain relief.
-I don’t want an IV of any kind unless it is absolutely necessary.
-Light food and drink if I wish
-Please keep vaginal exams to a minimum.
-I do not want any type of chemical/medical induction or augmentation. Please allow my body to work at its own pace.
-If I am not progressing, remind me to walk and let gravity aid the baby.
-If baby is not in distress, I would like to wait patiently for him to come.