
How's my gliding? [Vid included]?

by  |  earlier

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how's my gliding? is it any good? ^_^

comments, advice, etc. would b appreciated. Thanks.




  1. it just "okay"

  2. I dont know what gliding is but it looks like that rapper style dancing and it looks like you are floating, kind of, so  cool I guess?

    Good, coz i cant do that LOL

  3. That sucks. Ugly shoes too.

  4. It looks good to me.

    But I don't dance, so I could be totally wrong. Lol =]

  5. its ok

  6. i think it's ok but you kept on doing the same thing over and over. try mixing it up and doing different moves. i think you need to work on it a little more because it looks like your starting to get the hang of it but your not quite there yet.

    take it from me i do gliding too and at first i was like you but now i'm really good at it! practice is all you need. try you tube and check out other people's styles!

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