
How's my new logo?

by Guest59107  |  earlier

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My company,, is an online book rental website serving up books "netflix-style". I'm looking to upgrade branding a bit with a new logo that is self-defining -- being able to convey the book rental concept within the logo. This is to go along with a possible new slogan "Return of the Book".

Although I've made this myself, I'm in no way a designer and this may need to be redone professionally. I'm open to as much criticism as you can throw my way. Is the concept good and only an artist's touch-up is needed?? What would you change?

Have a look at the logo here:




  1. You're off to a good start. Your business concept is solid, but I think you have much to decide from a branding perspective before you start worrying about your logo. Who is your customer? What types of books can they rent from you? These are the people you're designing your logo for - it's really not about what you like.

    The logo you've created is impressive, considering you are not a professional designer. But I think it needs work. If you'd like some help on your brand and/or logo development, feel free to contact me. I own a creative services company.

  2. Too much grey but graphic is really good.

  3. well my question is if its on-line why would you have a letter box, I thought you must send them out to people, but if Im correct thats not what you do. Also when I asked my husband what he thought of it without telling him what you did, his thought was you must sell books on swimming and then post them out. So if you want you logo to say in an instant what you do then maybe this is not it. Great logo though, I think you have done well with it.

    have fun


  4. Looks OK to me, good job.

  5. Well, the logo looks pretty good. I'm a bit confused with the name, BookSwim. I would be a bit confused by it, until I learned more either from content on the site, or faq's etc. However, the books in the mailbox would give some clue as to what it was about. Not trying to be negative, here, just saying It would be confusing to me. Does the books in the mailbox image infringe on netflix in any way? I'm not sure, just asking.
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