
How's my smile? PICS.?

by  |  earlier

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I got my braces off a few days ago, and there are a few things that I'm not satisfied with. But every one that I tell says they don't see the inperfections I'm talking about. So I'm wondering what you guys think? Do you see any imperfections? I don't want to point them out because it might change your opinion. Feel free to make suggestions if you do find imperfections. And I slashed out my eyes because I have concerns of people stealing my pictures. Okay. Thank you guys so much. =]




  1. it kinda looks like you have an over-bite

    but other than you your teeth look nice!


  2. first of all, i think they look great, but considering the price of braces, i would say that the lateral incisors (teeth between the incisors and canines) look a bit off, like separated :P that's my opinion.

  3. they look fine but it's kinda hard to tell... ^-^

  4. The first one is really pretty, the other two look fake and posey, to be honest.

  5. looks nice.  it makes your whole face look even better.  i cant wait to get my braces off.  results look fantastic.

  6. You have a great smile.  You should thank your parents for giving you the braces and the gift of good looks.I'd be more concerned about that black rectangle around your eyes; you might want to see an eye doctor.  Lol!!

    Have fun

  7. hmm, i think i see a tooth a little behind one of the two front teeth. i think that's just you're position though.

    but dude, your teeth don't have to be SUPER SUPER PERFECT. because you have a great smile you know.


    can i ask you a question? with all those posters in your room, how do you make them stay like that? my posters keep falling. just tape(duct,clear)? over or under?. pins?

  8. I like the glasses, where can i get a pair like that?? Oh, you have a nice smile.

  9. no i dont see any imperfections...

  10. they look fine just make sure you wear your retainer.

  11. awww...i love your smile

  12. !smile is nice but you look like your on cops with that black stuff on your eyes L.O.L!

  13. The good news is that your braces worked because your teeth are really strait. The only thing that I see wrong with them is that they are a little yellow. Hope that I helped!

  14. You're photos are too blurry and far away to tell.

    You need a clear close up.

  15. i think you have a nice smile.  Anyone who tells you different are jerks

  16. i dont see nothin wrong

  17. Its a little lopsided. But other than that its fine.

  18. Nice!
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