
How's the Rugby player that just got signed to a American Football team??

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I heard on the news (in Philadelphia, PA USA) that a Rugby player (not sure of his name) just got singed to play for the Philadelphia Eagles (American Football team).

Is he any good?? and since he's now playing American Football does he still have to play Rugby in Australia??

Thanks a bunch!!!




  1. He's not a rubgy player. his surname is Severio Rocca. He played australian rules football and in that game was one of the longest kicks playing. He's trying american football as a kicker. He has retired from Aussie Rules Football and now lives in the USA to focus on his new sport.

  2. Sav Rocca played AFL you yankee

  3. His name is Saverio Rocca he used to Play for Collingwood with his Brother Anthony before moving to the Kangaroos. He is now retired from AFL (which is a faster game than yours). He is an extroadinary long kick and even on his first try out with the american ball (which is lighter and doesnt go as far) he kicked as far as any of the rookies or whatever you call them that were trying out and as he said he will kick further once he gets used to the lighter ball. BY the WAY we know that America cant see anything outside itself BUT PLEASE take note... AUSTRALIA's National sport is AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (AFL) not Rugby!!!!!!!!---There is a huge difference!!

  4. If he has been picked up by the Eagles than Football (American) will be his life, blood and O2. I have heard of players going over and making it, they really are as good as any athletes, Gridiron is really such a technical game, more explosive in nature than Rugby, actually closer to Rugby League as far as hitting power and playing the man is concerned. But generally Rugby players are big he'll be fine! AFL could produce a few great specialist ! We do play Gridiron in Australia and have players picked up to play for University of Hawaii. Also lucky to have a few US high School graduates come here to study & play - as they wern't drafted to College Football. See web site

  5. If he's kicker or a full back, he'll do fine. I played rugby for 12 years and can't stand football.

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