
How's the Socialist Party treating España? How's Zapatero?

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Just curious.




  1. He's introduced some pretty advanced changes like legalizing g*y marriage and other social reforms that were needed. The guy has good intentions but I think the whole thing is going to fast and it's getting out of whack. Like with ETA (the Basque terrorist group), and immigration. I'm not sure he knows how to handle either of the two. With ETA, he set free a terrorist who had committed more than 25 murders, and was in prison on a hunger strike. So basically it was either you release him or he dies in there. He decided to release him, but that leaves an open door to other criminals who are locked up and think they can get away with their crimes if they starve.

    The immigration issue is more complicated and the former administration wasn't handling it appropriately either. We keep getting waves of illegal immigrants from Africa (by sea) and Eastern Europe and instead of deporting them, we keep them in Spain with no working authorization, and therefore they wander around idle or even worse, they resort to criminal activities.

    I voted for him too though. At least he didn't get us in a war we had nothing to do with (like former president Aznar).

  2. I voted for him. I still believe I made the right choice. Spain has the fastest growing economy in Europe, that says a lot.

  3. I believe Rodriguez Zapatero is doing an excellent work.

    But that's my opinion.

  4. As was said above, some very good things were introduced. But on the other hand, he is doing what all socialist parties do: spend money on populistic things (too much in health care) and taking so self-responsibility from the people. Instead of thinking and caring for themselfs they rely only in the government.

    Besides, the two big parties (the other ones are more of a regional concept) give me the impression like before the war (Spanish civil war) in the 30ies.

    In the village, where I live, the socialists offered for the local elections free "pill after" and free viagra. Otherwise, the parties attaced each other and don´t talk with each other to solve the local problems, in my impression.

  5. They just call themselves socialists. They are more like the UK tory party.

    They are doing very well indeed and have a lot to be proud of.

    The downside is still unemployment and prices seem to always be going up. Spain is no longer a cheap place to live.

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